The story

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You woke up with an uneasy feeling about the day. Your left arm was numb and had lines all over it. You wasn't sure what positioned you slept in but you wasn't tired. The thought of seeing everybody - seeing jeff - made you sick. You walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Shivering as your bare feet stepped on the dark ceramic tile that lay in the dinning room. You glided your hand down the length if the oversized chocolate brown table that could easily sit twenty people.
"Good morning." you heard a low whisper come from behind you.
"How did you sleep?" He asked as you turned around - ben looked the exact opposite of you. Tired. His shoulders was slumped over, his purple bags under his eyes showed even more than they already did. "Well, I slept fine. You, on the other hand, obviously did not." He looked some what hurt by your response, but tried not to give it off. "Yeah, I was up all night." he said looking off Into the kitchen. you nodded and started towards the kitchen to get food to prepare yourself for the day ahead. "(Y/n) wait..." Ben said, his voice getting soft. you turned towards him waiting for him to speak. "I-I didn't say anything... are you going to t-talk to him?" You gave a smile smile. " know I can't. It's not something I want to bring up right now... I will try, believe me I will, but right now, I can not." He seem to understand your position in the situation and nodded. "I'm here for you." You nodded as you took of towards the kitchen.
You grabbed a bowl of (f/c) and went to sit down in the dinning room. You felt so alone, so unwanted. But you continue eating anyway. Surely if they didn't want me here they would've said so, right? You thought to yourself as you inhaled the scent of your surroundings. Paying attention to every detail. The lines in the wood of the table. Who knows how old it is. The design of the flowers in the rug beneath your feet. "Good morning." you looked up to see Jeff leaning against the wall in front of your seat. Your body instantly tightened every muscle. "How are you doing?" He asked standing up straight. You leaned back in your chair as if you were trying to get away from him. You felt a warm sensation run through your body as a hand appeared on your shoulder. You looked up to find slendy, starring down at you. Waiting to see if he was going to say anything, Jeff walked off. Slendy sat down beside you, still with his hand on your shoulder. "I think we need to talk." he said dropping his hand. You pushed back your bowl of cereal. "Okay, about what?"

"About what happened yesterday."
He gave a look that made you feel guilty for not telling him as soon as you possibly could, but what could you have said? Slendy, I almost got raped by your best friend. You shook your head and let out a soft chuckle. I couldn't even say that in a note. Easier said than done. You thought to yourself. "(Y/n)?" He asked pulling up your chin. "What are you laughing about?" You could feel your face turning red with embarrassment. Oh, idiot! Why did you have to let out a laugh! "Nothing. It's...nothing." You gave him a reassuring smile to let him know that everything was fine. "Listen, Ben talked to me." Your body became limp at the thought of slendy knowing. Your heart rate began to increase making your pulse grow faster. "It's nothing it's fine." How could Ben tell? He said he didn't and he wouldnt, but he did.
"No. Tell me. Please..... what did Jeff do?" His voice got soft at the word do. As your eyes filled with tears it came out. "He touched me." You couldn't hold back anymore. All the tears from the emotions you've felt started to fall from your face. It didn't take to long, only a few second, for the collar of your light blue button up shirt to be soaked with tears. "I'm so sorry." you said in a low voice a few minutes later to see if he was still listening. "Why are you sorry?"
"Because I didn't tell you. And I should have." The guilt started to build up again. Bringing more tears and hate with it.
"It's a difficult subject to talk about. I'm not upset with you. I'm just glad you let me know now." That wasn't exactly the reaction you was looking for, but you would take it. You wanted for him to pick you up and cradle you like a baby. To be held, and told every thing will be alright, even though you know it's not. You wanted him to grab your face and pull you in while he kissed your forehead and told you he loved you. All you wanted was a hug, and all you got was 'I'm just glad you let me know now.' As his answer replayed over and over in your head, there was only one word that stuck with you. Now. What does he mean? Now. You looked up and gave him a small smile and stood up. Not even worrying about your bowl of unfinished cereal. You went back to the room you slept in and sat on the bed. Running your hands over your face and hair to dry the tears an smooth your hair down. "What will happen to me now?" You said aloud. "What did I do? I'm over exaggerating. I must be. Jeff didn't mean to hurt me. Did he? Would he hurt me?" You felt a tear escape out of the corner of your eye and quickly made an effort to change the subject your mind has been set on all morning. "Maybe a shower will help." You grabbed your clothes out of Your closet and went to your bathroom. You turned your water on to where it would be luke warm and looked at yourself in the mirror. "Okay." was all you could manage to speak.

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