Darling, come be with me

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"(Y/n) I need to talk to you." Slender said, shaking you gently as you slept. You let out a soft noise but didn't wake up. "(Y/n) wake up." He moved a piece of your hair away from your face making you slide over. "FIRE!" slenderman yelled, jerking you wide awake. "OH MY FUCK!!!" you yelled. Slenderman put both of his hands on your shoulders. Keeping you still. "What the-" he cut you off, "shhh. Your brother is sleeping. It's bad enough you just yelled. Show a little respect. He needs his sleep."

"Oh, I'm sorry I just had a heart attack and for what?" He moved from kneeling on your hardwood floor and sat on your unmade bed. Black and white covers half on and half off the bed. Falling everywhere possible. You pulled them up to cover your half naked body. "I need to tell you something" he spoke, slowly moving towards you.

"I don't want to talk." You spoke slow and soft. Watching him move and how the moonlight from the early morning shinned on his pale complexion.

"Well then listen to what I have to say."

"I want you, I do. I didn't know what I was doing until it was done. I'm so sorry about everything that happened. I'm a dick, okay, I get it. But I'm your dick. I know you still have some feelings for me. I'm beyond in love with you and I can't help that. I can't help how I feel for you, but I can help how I act about it. And I acted wrong. I shouldn't have abandoned you, I can't apologize enough. Please, (y/n) listen to me. I know my wrongs. And I'm not going to do that again. I want you and your brother to come live with me-"
You sat straight up in shock. Although his gesture and words are kind, you can't just pick up you and your brother and move out into the woods with things that'll scare him to death, can you? You have basically raised him. Basically been his, not only mother, but dad as well, through his entire life. What did your parents do for you? Give you a house? Give you food and clothes? We have clothes and slenderman is giving us a house. You thought to yourself. What else do you need? It's not like you won't be protected.

"I can't just pack up everything and leave, can i?" You looked at your hands as they lay in your lap, thinking about all the possibilities that could come from living with unknown creatures. "Yes! You can. Cody will love it. I promise you. I will not let a single thing touch you or him. You two are mine now. You've been mine since the day I looked at both of you. I don't want it any other way. This is the only way we can be together. " you moved out of your bed and started pacing back and forth.

"But, what about our parents? What about our family? We will never see them again." Slenderman moved in front of you and got on one knee.
"It doesn't matter, (y/n) it doesn't. They never treated you good. You have never been happy with them. I'm giving you a choice to be happy forever, with me. You have a chance to start over, with me."

Could it honestly be that easy?

You looked around your room. Taking deep breaths in and out. Gathering your thoughts. Remembering all of your precious childhood memories. Your first bike, the day cody was born, moving, making friends. What was all of that for if you can't continue living them out? You watched as the breeze blew your pale purple curtains back and forth slowly and then all at once.

"What about school?" You looked from your window back to him. "If you're dead then they wont expect you to show up. They'll think you're dead if you come with me. They will never find you." But what if I wanted to be found one day? " this is too much to think about..." He grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him, laying your head on his chest. You heard nothing. No heart beat, no breathing. "Don't think about it, please? Just come with me." You pulled away and walked over to the window. Watching as the wind blew the branches from the large oak tree, swaying back and forth. A tear fell from your eye remembering all the times you'd sit under the tree and read, cry, play tag with Cody.
"I can't. Maybe later, maybe when i can be on my own. But this? This is too soon and too much to handle. Thats not whats best for him, he needs school. He needs normality. He wont get that out there-"
"Yes we will!" Slender intervened, "I promise."
"No, Slender. He wont.  Not with Jack there, not with your brothers. This is whats best for him. And i cant change that." You closed the white framed window and sat on the frame watching him.
"So, this is it then? You're not coming."
You didn't speak. You looked down to keep tears from falling down your small face.
"I guess this is the last time ill see you then."
You turned your head even more away from him.
You waited a few seconds before you looked up, but when you did he was gone. Not a trace of him being there, not a trace of him being real but your memories.
"Whats wrong?" Cody sat on your bed and pulled you into his arms, you lost it. Your face now soaked with tears looked up at him and said, "Nothing's wrong anymore. Were going to be just fine."

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