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"Marry me," he said. "Please?" He had a begging look in his eyes, wanting me to say yes.

"P-Perce, I..."

"Papa!" Reyna screamed, running in.


He stood back up, slipping the ring into his pocket. "What's up, hon?"

"Uncle Jason here!" she shouted. "I saws his car!"

"That's great!" I said, walking past Percy and picking her up, carrying my girl to the door. "Let's go see him."


Reyna was snuggled up to Percy, her lips parted and slightly snoring. Percy was doing the same, and I just had to laugh.

"It's impolite to stare," Percy mumbled. I jumped as he opened his eyes. He moved Reyna off himself and sat up. "So have you thought anymore about my proposal?"

"I have," I said, sitting down in front of him on the coffee table. "And I have to say yes."


I had tears in my eyes and a smile on my lips. "Yes, Perseus Jackson, I will marry you." He leaped at me, attaching our lips in a passionate kiss.

"God, I love you," he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too."


- 7 months later -

Third Person

He looked in the mirror.

"Nico," Jason said. "You'll be fine. It's just Percy."

"Yes," Nico said. "Percy. The man I have been in love with since high school and am marrying in an hour."

"Listen," the blonde said. "Can you not sass me today? It's difficult to be your best man if you use that attitude on me."

"You're right," Nico said. "I'm sorry. That was rude." There was a knock at the door. Hazel walked in, wearing a purple dress down to her feet.

In her hands, was Nick. He was dresssed in a little tux that looked adorable on him. "And how's my baby boy?" Nico cooed, walking over and tickling his belly. The roomed filled with giggles of a one year old.

"He's getting a little antsy," his aunt commented. "We may want to start this wedding soon."


"Percy," Frank said. "You had better not screw this up."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, man." Frank was currently tying the tie of Percy's black tux.

"I wasn't saying you were going to," the groomsman said. "It was just a piece of advice.

"Advice that made me look like a-"

"Like a what, Papa?" Reyna looked up from her coloring book to stare questionably at her father and uncle.

"Forget it, darling." Frank finished and Percy walked up to his daughter. "Sweetie, you have marker on your face. Why?"

"Uncle Fra-"

"Ah, kids," Frank said, covering Reyna's mouth. "They say the weirdest things." He laughed nervously as Percy stared him down.

"You're lucky I'm getting married and in a good mood."


The music started. He was scared. What if's were flying throughout his mind.

"Hey," Jason nudged him. "You'll be fine."

"Thanks." Jason leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"This may be a bad time, but I'm in love with you." They stared at each other for a minute before they burst out laughing.

"You're an idiot."


The music started. He was excited. Seeing his fiance walk down the aisle was the thing he was looking forward to the entire day.

He looked and saw his daughter, the flower girl, walk and drop rose petals like she had been practicing for months on end in their living room.

Next, came the maids of honor. The ones Nico had so perfectly picked out due to the fact he had interviewed them all one by one as soon as they got engaged.

And then came him. And to Percy, he was beyond words. He didn't concentrate on Jason next to him, or the photographer, or even the priest next to him. Nico was, at that moment, and had always had been his entire world. The only thing to focus on; the only person he needed to talk to, see, or even hear to get through the day.

His life.

His world.

His baby.

His once shy guy.


Smiles! ❤❤❤

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