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I rocked my daughter in my arms, her sobs echoing through out the apartment. 

"Rey, you think you can sleep alone tonight?" I asked, moving her slightly so I could look her in the face. Her cheeks were red and her green eyes puffy. She shook her head and I nodded. She gripped my shirt tight as I lifted us up and we walked off to my room.

I layed her down on my bed, and I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "You turn on the TV, sweetie, and watch what you want, kay?" She simply nodded and I turned to the bathroom attached to my room. I walked in as my phone started to ring. "Can you get that, baby girl?"

I turned in as the ringing stopped, expecting her to start screaming because Jason called. 

"Hewo?" I heard her say, and a muffled voice reply. 

"No," she said. I spit out my toothpaste and walked into the room.

"Who is it, honey." She still had the phone pressed to the side of her face. 

"No," she said again. "No, Papa. Yous can't talk to Daddy." I sat down beside her and kissed her head.

"No, baby girl, he can talk." She looked up at me, her green eyes still puffy.

"Yous sure?"

I smiled. "Yeah, baby." 

"Okay, Papa," she said sternly. "Yous goin to talks to Daddy. Bes nice." She handed me the phone and she laid down, her eyes locked on the TV.

"Daddy's going to be back, okay?" She nodded and turned back. I walked out of the room, shutting the door slightly and walked to Nick's room. "What do you want?"

"Listen," he started off. "Listen.. I broke it off with Annabeth. I realized how much I wanted to spend time with you and Reyna and Nick and Jason and everyone back from school. After what I said to you, I felt completely awful and I almost drank my complete stock of liquor.

"If that doesn't show me being sad, I don't know what will." I opened Nick's door and I saw him sleeping quite peacefully.

"I may forgive you," I said. He sighed. "I said may, sweetheart. The hardest person to convince is Reyna."

"Okay," he said. "Well, can I stop by tomorrow and maybe talk to her? She is technically my daughter, too. I want to see her."

I thought about that for a minute. Should I? "Fine. Come by tomorrow. Meet us outside the building."

"Thank you," he said. "Thank you so much." I was about to hang up when he dropped a bombshell on me. "Do you... Do you think there could ever be an us again?"

"Percy..." I said. "I... I don't know. You broke my heart once before. How do I know that you won't do it again?"

He was quiet for a minute. "O-Okay," he said.


"Do you mind if I bring my mother? She's been dying to meet her."

"Um... I guess."

"Thanks." He said. With that, the call was ended.


"So, wes going to sees Daddy today," Reyna said, dressed in her finest.

"Yes ma'am," I said, finishing the braid in her hair and throwing it over her shoulder.

"Is anyones else coming?"

"Yes ma'am," I said, smoothing her shirt down. "You're meeting your grandmother is coming along to meet you."

She looked to me, her eyes wide. "I's have a granmama?"

"Yes indeed," I said. "but how about we call her Nana for the time being." She nodded. Nick was in the carrier next to me and I bounced my leg on the steps leading to my apartment.

"Yous nervous?" Reyna asked, looking me straight in eyes.

"I am, Rey." At that moment, a car pulled next to us and I looked up. Percy and Sally got out and Sally practically attacked me. 

"Oh, Nico," she said.. "Look how much you've grown. Oh lord, is that her?" Reyna looked up to Sally.

"Nana?" Reyna asked softly. 

Sally's eyes started to water and she brought the tiny girl into a hug. "Yes, honey." She let go and looked at me. Can we go up? I want to spend time with her somewhere other than the streets." I nodded and grabbed Nick,


"So you wanted to apologize?" I had Nick in my arms as Percy sat across from me in the kitchen.

"Well, um, ugh..." he started. "I am so sorry for what I..."

"Okay," I said, 

"What?" he said, looking at me through that adorable, floppy black hair. 

"I said I forgive you," I said. "but remember. Reyna got my stubbourness. Good luck."

"God damn."




My Babies (Percico/Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now