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I bounced Reyna on my knee. "Wheeeeeeee!"

I laughed, looking at the sheer happiness in m daughters face. "So, Reyna, do you have any friends?" I pulled her off my knee and had her sit in my lap.

"Uh-huh," she said smiling. "They names are Tris, and Bex, and Lena, and Peter, and Zach, and Link, and..."

"Reyna, sweetie?" Nico called out. "Baby, it's time for nap."

"But Daddy," she whined. 

"No buts, young lady. Off to your room."

"But Daddy," I whined. He looked at me, eyes narowed. 

"Would you like a nap?"

"No, no," I said. "I'm fine." He turned and headed back to the kitchen. "Okay Rey. Time for nap."

"But Papa," she said. "I wants to stays up with you." My heart melted at that moment, not caring what the rest of the world thought. 

"Well..." I shook my head, refocusing. "No. We can't break Daddy's rules. Let's get you to bed."


"What the hell is this?" Nico asked, storming up to me with a peice of paper in his hand. 

"A paper," I said, silently closing Reyna's door. 

"No, you asshole. What the hell is this article?" I looked down at the paper, my face going pale.

It was my engagement announcement.

To Annabeth.

"You said there was nothing there," he seethed to me. "You looked me dead in the eye and lied your cheating, worthless, bastard ass off." My anger spiked at this, clenching my fists.

"There wasn't," I growled through my teeth. "But she was there for me when you weren't. She comforted me while you ran away, going to have a baby all by yourself."

"What kind of shit is that?" he spat. "I called you. The moment I went into labor. You didn't have the decency to answer me when all I needed was the love of my life to be there with me when I deliverd the child that we created together." We were both quiet, reeling over what he just said. 

Nick began crying at that point and we were snapped out of our trance. He hurried past me and into the nursery. "What? You just going to hide with a baby during a fight?"

"No," he said, holding the baby close to his chest. "I'm am being a responsible parent. The one you should've been for Reyna before she was a toddler. You should've been living in this shit house apartment and raising our children together. But what did you do?

"You went and got back together with someone who you broke up with because of me." I stared at him for a while before he finally uttered something.

"What?" I asked, straining to hear him. 

"I said get out," he said. He set Nick down in his playpen and stared at me, daggers shooting at me. "I want you out of this apartment and out of the lives our my children."

"One will be easy, seeing as you decided to act like the whore you are and have a child with someone else, but you cannnot take  me out of the life of my daughter. I just met her."

"Yeah, well, if you didn't decide to get back with boobs, you would've been able to see her first steps." I glared at him, and vice versa.

"I hate you," I spat at him.

"I hate you more, honey. You can't even imagine." I turned from him and stalked to the door. 



Percy slammed the door after him, and my anger boiled over. I screamed.

I screamed loud enough for Florida to hear.

For China to hear.

For Bianca to hear.

"D-Daddy?" I turned, and there was Reyna, her Elsa blanket wrapped tighly around her. "Daddy? Is Papa be back?"

"I don't think so, sweetheart."

"Why?" she said, her eyes welling up. "Is it... Is it cause me?"

I ran over to her and scooped my baby up in my arms. "No... No. It's because of me. Daddy was mean."

She wrapped her fists in my shirt and bawled her eyes out, repeatedly saying, "I want my Papa."

Was he ever going to not make our lives a living hell?

"Daddy?" Rey asked. 

"Yes, baby?"

"Cans I sweep with you tonight?" I looked down to her her tear stained face and my heart broke. 

"Of course. Before bedtime, we can watch a movie with Nick. Have a family night."




My Babies (Percico/Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now