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Sorry this chapter is really short!

~Welcome to Hogwarts

We enter a empty carriage. As we grew closer I looked out the window and at the threstrals as they pulled us along. They say only people who've seen death can see them. But I don't remember seeing anybody die before. Maybe it was before I was adopted? I'm not sure though, unless seeing your cat die counts.

After the carriage ride to Hogwarts Harry, Ron, Hermione and I went to the Great Hall for the feast. Once we entered the hall two arms are resting on my shoulder on either side. I look to my left then right to see my two best ginger friends Fred and George.

"Hello Anna!" They at the same time. I giggle.

"Hello boys miss me?" I ask as we walk towards where Harry and the others sat. I sat in between them. The hat started singing the song they play at the beginning of every year. After that the first years came leading them was Professor McGonnagal.

After what seems like forever Professor Dumbledore walked to his podium or whatever. He made his speech he gives every year and told us about dementors guarding he school. I shivered at the thought of the dementors.

"You-" Fred started.

"Okay?" George finished.

"Yea." I say half heartedly. They gave me a look and I just shrug. I poke at my food thinking about things when something came to my head. I slam my hand on the table and my friends look at me.

"I almost forgot!" I exclaimed.

"Forgot what?" Fred and George asks me. I grin mischievously. I whisper in they're ears.

"It worked. I can finally transform now!" I whisper excitedly in their ears. Fred grinned like a Cheshire cat and George groaned. I give them a confused look. Fred caught my look understanding my confusion.

"Fred and I made a bet. I betted you would have control over it by fifth year while he thought until third." I made an o face.

"So what is it? What's your animagus form." They whisper to me and I smile.

"Go to the room of requirements at 12 and I'll show you. And besides no one will be out by then. And Don't get caught by Filch." I told them and they nod.

"Is it true that you fainted Potter?" I heard my brother ask Harry. I look over and saw Draco taunting Harry. He knows I hate it when he does that.

"Oh shut it Draco it wasn't Harry who fainted it was me!" I yelled at him. He looked surprised then guilty mumbling a sorry.

"Oh Merlin did Malfoy just apologize?" Ron asks a aloud as the table laughed. I saw Dracos cheeks became pink.

"Aw poor little Malfoy fainted.", Pansy Parkinson said in a baby voice. I glare at her. And you would think she wouldn't do that considering I'm her friends sister.

"Oh shut up Pansy!" Draco told her. And I smiled at him as I turn around and finish my food. Soon after the food disappeared and I got up and walked out of the Great Hall talking to my friends Lavender and Parvati.

"Are we sharing rooms again this year?" Lavender asks as we were walking up the steps to the common room. I nod.

"Of course." I say as we got to the picture of the fat lady. Parvati said the password as the portrait opened and we entered the Gryffindor common room. I sigh.

"What is it?" Lavender asks. I shake my head.

"Nothing I just missed this place." I say smiling and throwing my self onto the couch so I was laying down. Lavender and Parvati laughed as they sat on the loveseat. Fred and George came over. George lifted my head up so my head rested on his lap and Fred lifted my feet so they were on his lap. I close my eyes and relax. I start to drift into sleep.

"Hey you better not be falling asleep on us." George says.

"But your comfy." I say releasing a yawn. He chuckles. Then I felt like I was pushed and the next thing I know I was on the ground.

"Hey what was that for?" I ask giving the twins a playful glare. They both shrug.

"You were falling asleep." They say at the same time and I roll my eyes. They both stood up.

"Well we are heading to our dorms see you later Anna!" They say as George ruffled my hair.

"Hey not the hair!" I say as they leave. That's when I noticed Lavender and Parvati left and I was the only one in the common room. I looked at the grandfather clock and it read 9. I sigh. I still have three hours until I meet Fred and George in the rooms of requirements. I stand up and walk up to the girls dorms and eventually finding my room whom I'm sharing with Lavender, Parvati and Hermione. I get changed into gray sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt that has the name of my favorite band the Weird Sisters on it. I brush my wavy brown hair and got into my bed that was besides a window. I close the curtains and set an alarm on my wand to wake me up at 11: 45 so I can get to the room ahead of time. I set my wand under my pillow and slowly started drifting off to sleep.

What do you think so far?

What animagus do you think Annabelle is?


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