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Third Persons POV

An rather irritated and angry Remus Lupin marched his way down to the dungeons knowing he'd find Severus Snape in his office.

Remus stood outside the class and knocked on it. A grunt was heard from inside the room and footsteps come closer to the door before it was swung open. Severus glared at the man standing before him.

"What do you want?" He asked coldly.

"About Annabelle." Remus stated glaring back.

"Which Annabelle are we speaking about Lupin?"

"You know exactly which one I'm talking about Severus." Snape sneered. He turned and walked bad to his office desk with Remus following closing the door behind him.

"So is it really her?" Remus questioned the Potions teacher. Snape glared but reluctantly nodded.

Remus couldn't believe it. He sat down in a chair.

"H-how is she alive? The minister said she was dead!" He stated.

"The minister lied. The minister feared Annabelle's life was in danger so he faked her death. He thought the death eaters would go after her considering Silver and Black were her parents and it was believed that Annabelle is or would be as powerful as her mother." Snape explained reluctantly. "And how did you figure it out?" Snape asked continuing to glare at his best friends brother.

"I saw Annabelle wear the bracelet the same bracelet you gave to Silver on her wedding day wrapped in black wrapping paper." Snape grunted in response.
Annabelle walked to the owlery to send a letter to her mother about her break at her mothers request.

She walked up the stares wrapped in her red cloak with black fastenings to keep her warm.

She gave the letter to her owl Reggie and watched her barn owl take off. She saw another owl come in and land right in front of her with a letter in its mouth.

Annabelle's POV

I took it and unwrapped it. I instantly recognized it as a howler.

Must be from father.

"You foolish child!" It yelled. I flinch. "You embarrassed this family by not showing up on Christmas you should be ashamed of yourself! Filthy half blood! We should have never took you in, you are a disgrace to this family, an abomination! Wait until you get back home I will make you regret it!" It yelled before tearing itself apart. I tear fell down my face. I was scared.

"Ms.Malfoy?" I turn saw Professor Lupin. I quickly wiped the tear.

"Oh, hello professor." I said trying to keep my voice from cracking. You'd think I'd get used to this by now.

"What's the matter?" He asked sounding concerned. I shook my head.

Then I broke down and cried.

This always happens whenever I get a howler from father.

I don't even know why I even call him that he never treated me like his daughter. He never showed an ounce he cared and the way he treats me when mum and Draco aren't around was horrible.

Dobby even defended me when I asked for it before he was freed last year which I was happy about.

"Come on." Prof. Lupin said helping me stand up and walked me to his office.
He hands me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Thank you." I mumbled taking a sip of it.

"Chocolate makes you feel better." Professor Lupin commented. I nodded agreeing.

"Why am I here professor?" I ask him.

"Well if a student is in distress it's the teachers job to help them. Would you like to talk about what troubling you?" He asked sincerely. I was hesitant. It seems like I can trust him but i don't really like talking about this. Well I haven't even mentioned any of this before. Minus George but he only knows about the verbal abuse though.

"It's just my father....." I trailed off.

"Go on."

"Let's just say he doesn't exactly like me." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"He hates me." I said bluntly.

"Oh don't say that, I'm sure-" I cut him off.

"You said you knew him in school. You know what he is like." He nodded. "He even told me he hates me and says these hurtful things to me." I told him quietly.

"But theirs something else isn't there?" He asked. I quickly shook my head and started playing with my hands.

"Your lying. Annabelle is he hurting you? Physically?" He asked. I feel tears come to my eyes but I pushed them back.

"No." I lied. "Just verbally." He looked very concerned.

"I could-" I shook my head.

"Please don't tell anyone please!" I pleaded.
"I could handle it."

"You shouldn't have to handle it." He said.

"I'll talk to my mom." I told him. "I'll tell her what's going on she'll do something. She can handle my father." He reluctantly nodded.

"You remind me so much of your mother." Professor Lupin whispered. I had to strain to hear him.

"Wait what?" I say shocked. His eyes widened a bit.

"Um nothing." He said.

"Who's lying now professor?" I ask. "You just said I reminded you of my mother." He sighs.

"What I'm about to tell you is the truth about who your birth parents are." My eyes widened in surprise. I leaned forward in my seat.

"Well who are they?" I ask eagerly.

"Your mother is my sister Silver Lupin. Your father is-" I cut him off once again.

"Sirius Black." I finished. He's my father?!

"How did you know that?"

"Me and Harry over heard of what Black did and about his wife and well me." I told him. "Wait so your my uncle?" He smiled lightly and nodded. I smiled.

"Cool." Then something started to bother me.
"What happened to my mother...Silver?" I ask him. He looked sad. Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

"She witnessed what happened to Peter Pettigrew the night he was murdered and Some muggles and she got caught in the crossfire and she was put into a coma. She still hasn't woken up from this day." He told me sadly.

"I'm sorry." I told him. He smiled sadly at me.

"It alright." He said to me.

I then smiled.

"Does that mean I can call you Uncle Remus?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"You may if you wish but not during class please." I nodded. I stood up and finished my hot chocolate.

"Well thanks Uncle Remus." I said waving to him before I left his office.

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