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Felix quickly reached for his phone to see if it was a text from the parents of the kids he was watching.

I'm hungryyyy
Do you have food in your fridge?

Felix rolled his eyes, but then smiled.

Yeah, I think there's some leftover spaghetti in there. Go ahead and get some.

But I don't want spaghetti :(

Why don't you make yourself a sandwhich or something then?

Nvm, I already found something better.
*instert pic of Minho eating Felix's pudding*

I guess I'm not going to be finishing that later. Well anyways, I really gtg. These kids are causing chaos. Enjoy your pudding!

okay, back to babysitting.

Felix set down his phone and grabbed the remote to turn on some tv for the kids.


Felix once again quickly grabbed his phone.

I miss youuuu
When are you coming home?

Soon, I promise. Now please stop texting me, I'm not supposed to be texting my friends when I'm working. I don't want to get in trouble.

Not even me?

Not even you.

But I'm not your friend, I'm your BOYfriend

Nope, not even you, it's not fair, I know, now bye bye, I have to watch these kids.

Goody-two-shoes. Bye bye

Now he could finally-


I finished the pudding and I'm still hungry. I'm eating your spaghetti, okay?

Yeah that's fine. Enjoy!

Felix put his phone in his pocket and looked to where the kids should be, but they were gone.

I guess this is why you're not supposed to text.

Felix got up and began looking for them.

After looking in the kitchen, their bedrooms, and their parents room, which they thankfully weren't in, he finally found them in the bathroom, and what a mess they had caused.

It appeared as if they had tried to flush an entire book down the toilet. Wet, ripped pages were everywhere and the floor was soaked. He looked over to see that the bathtub was overfilling too.

Shit, what am I gonna do?

He sighed and picked up one of the kids and put them into bed after draining the water. He came back to grab the other and just as he did-


"Minho I don't have time for this," he muttered under his breath and pulled out his phone.

Mrs. Jang:
Hey Felix. I assume things are going smoothly? We will be home in about 20 minutes. Make sure the kids are in bed.

Of course Mrs. Jang, I'll be sure to leave your house cleaner than it was, as always!

I really am a goody-two-shoes.

Mrs. Jang:
Okay, bye Felix.

Felix took out some towels and began drying the floor.


He stopped what he was doing and pulled out his phone.

Hi :)

What do you want now

Geez, don't be so mean about it, I just wanted to say hi.

Listen baby, I'm sorry if my text made it sound like I'm annoyed with you, but honestly, I kind of am. I love you, but I keep asking you not to text me right now. Parents will be home in less than 20 minutes, so I'll be home real soon, okay? We can talk then. The kids just made a HUGE mess and I'm trying to clean it up as quickly as I can, but it's hard with you constantly texting me. Eat whatever you want, if you need to use the restroom, go, don't ask me, I'll give you all of the attention you need when I get home. I love you, but if you don't need anything else, I really have to go.

I'm not reading all of that, when will you get home? I miss you.

20 minutes, miss you too, now I gtg, bye

Felix finished cleaning with 2 minutes to spare, and he decided to make himself some tea. He definitely deserved it.

knock knock

Felix opened the door.

"Hi Mrs. Jang!" Felix said with a smile.

"Oh Felix, good job, the house looks amazing," Mrs. Jang said, pressing $60 into his hand. "Sorry for keeping you so late," she said adding another five.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing. The kids are already asleep, the little angels," Felix said trying to make way to the door.

He was stopped by Mrs. Jang.
"Did you do the laundry I asked you to do?" she asked.

"Of course Mrs. Jang," Felix said, gently pushing past her and reaching for the door handle.

"Why the rush?" she asked, "We were going to order a pizza if you wanted to join us for dinner."

"No thanks," Felix said, "I actually already had plans to order my own pizza at my house, so..." and he quickly opened the door and left.


It's already been 20 minutes, where are you?

Yeah, I'm on my way.

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