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Minho was crying as he sent a text to his ex. His toxic manipulative ex.

hwy, ate you frew? i thimk mt boufriend kust beoke up wiyj me.

he typed in between sobs.

For you, always baby, why? Do you need a pick-me-up hook up?

yes pls


"Thank you, Jisung," Minho said shyly.

"Round two?" the other boy asked.

"No thanks," Minho said, "I gotta go meet Felix for babysitting, I promised him I'd be there."

"No, stay with me, Felix doesn't own you anymore, he was controlling and neglected you, he never really loved you."

Minho was used to Jisung's attempts to control him by now and sighed trying to think of a way to shut him up, but before he could think of anything, Jisung had pushed him back onto the bed.

"Jisung. Stop. Get off of me," Minho said pushing him onto the cold floor.

"Come on baby, you don't really want to see him do you? I thought he broke your heart, he hates you now, remember?"

Minho in fact did remember. When he last talked to Felix, he seemed to want nothing to do with him, but still, he had made a commitment and needed to stick with it even though he didn't want to.

"Sorry Ji, I really gotta go, text me later?" Minho asked. At this point, he just wanted someone to love him, he didn't care who.

Jisung nodded and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Minho really needed to take one too, but he didn't have the time, so he just got dressed and ran out.

He took checked his phone to see 5 texts and 3 missed calls from Felix.

Shit, I'm late.

It was already 4:30. He got into his car and drove back home as fast as he could without getting a ticket. Once he parked his car, he got out and walked up the street to his neighbors house.

The door opened and Felix quickly pulled him inside.

"Where the hell have you been? I was worried! Of course you'd be late," he scolded.

Minho simply shrugged his shoulders.

Felix's eyes landed on his neck, and suddenly it clicked.

"Who?" he demanded.

"As if you care," Minho replied.

"It wasn't Jisung, was it?" Felix asked.

"And if it was?"

"I'd kill you, I told you to stay away from him," Felix sighed, "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Minho vigorously shook his head no.


Minho nodded.

"Okay then," Felix said matter-of-factly, "Let me give you the instructions real quick then."

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