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"So you must be the famous boyfriend," Hyein asked Minho causing him to blush knowing that Felix couldn't go 30 minutes without talking about him.

Minho was about to nod, but then stopped and shook his head. "Not anymore, he broke up with me."

"And you're still friends with him?" she asked, "When my friend Hayley's boyfriend broke up with her, we all took a vow to never speak to him again and now he's on our 'Dead to Us' list. I can add Felix for you if you want."

Minho chuckled at the girls innocence, "No that's fine, he's probably already added me to his. I've never seen him get so mad before."

"What was he mad about?" she asked curiously.

"I threw his back out while we were fu-"

"Minho!" Felix yelled from the other room, "Stop telling a middleschooler about our sex life and come help me make dinner!"

"What's 'sex life'?" three year old Yena asked.

"Uhh, it's a board game." Felix responded.

"No it's not," Juyeon said running into the room, "It's-"

"Okay," Felix said pulling a tray out of the oven, "Who wants a cookie?"

"Me!" Minho said practically jumping over the couch to get to the kitchen.

"You're a terrible babysitter," Felix said while rolling his eyes.

Minho shrugged while grabbing an armful of cookies.

"So how's your back doing?" Hyein whispered to Felix while eating her cookie. Felix just nodded.

"I can see why you broke up with him." He nodded again.

"He's cute, but a bit of a pain in the ass." she continued, "Give him another chance. He doesn't deserve it, but I can tell you miss him."

Felix nodded.

a/n: Yes I just made the smartest person in this book a nosey 12 year old. What about it?

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