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Felix was lucky he didn't have to babysit today because his back hurt like hell.

He heard the door open and paused the tv so he could hear better.

"Who is it?" he called.

"It's just me," he heard Minho's voice yell.

Of course it is, he chuckled to himself.

He heard footsteps running up the stairs and Minho flung open his bedroom door.

"You should really learn to knock," Felix remarked.

"Yeah, yeah," Minho said, "Guess what!"

"What is it baby?" Felix said groaning as he shifted to look at his boyfriend.

"I found an ad about someone in my neighborhood looking for babysitters! I told them you babysit all the time and we wouldn't mind doing it together. Their house is HUGE. We're gonna be rich!" he said showing him the address.

"Oh?" Felix asked.

Minho nodded excitedly.

"When is it?" Felix asked.

"Oh at like 4," Minho responded.

"4 o'clock today?" Felix sat up quickly wincing in pain.

"Yep!" Minho chirped.

Felix checked the time. It was already 11.

He sighed, he was really looking forward to a break from babysitting this weekend.

"How long?" he asked hoping it wouldn't take long.

"A few days," Minho said unbothered.

"What the fuck do you mean 'a few days'? The longest I've ever babysat was 6 hours, how do you expect me to be able to watch a kid for 'a few days'?"

"Well I just thought, y'know, since there's two of us, it shouldn't be a problem," he said quietly.

"Shouldn't be a problem?" Felix raised his voice slightly, "Everytime I babysit, I'm always bombarded with texts from you! 'I miss you! I'm hungry! I want to fuck!'" Felix mocked, "How am I going to be able to watch a kid with you right there bothering me? I know I'm a babysitter, but I shouldn't have to babysit you, too!"

"It's not a kid," Minho said flinching as he braced for impact, "It's three."

"You're inconsiderate, you know that? I gave you everything I could. I would have given you the whole world just to see a smile on your stupid face, and what does your clingy ass do? It takes more and more! My back fucking hurts right now and it's all your fucking fault. I wanted to rest, but nooo you had to go and book me a job without my consent on my day off!"

"I'm sorry," Minho whimpered.

"Get out of my house! I'll see you at 4 because you can't be trusted with three kids for two days, but after that we're over."

Minho nodded and left as tears filled his eyes.

Felix slammed the door to his bedroom, leaned against it, and started sobbing. He sat there and cried for what felt like forever. He hadn't meant to go off on Minho like that, he's just been on edge lately. He didn't know what else to do. Did he regret what he said? Yes. Was a lot of it true? Also yes. As much as he didn't want to, maybe taking a break from Minho was a good idea.

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