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Felix was playing Hungry Hungry Hippos with the kids while Minho was making some dinner.

Let's hope he doesn't burn the kitchen down.

"I win!" Juyeon yelled out.

"No I won," Yena said.

"Nu-uh, you lost! I won! Yena's a loser, Yena's a loser," Juyeon sang.

Yena started crying on Felix's lap. Hyein was sitting in the corner with her phone ignoring the two.

"No, no, be quiet don't cry! You and Juyeon tied. Oh no! You both beat me, ahhh!" Felix said trying to get the damn kid to shut up.

knock knock

"Minho, would you get that," Felix called.

Minho opened the door to see no other than Han Jisung.

"What are you doing here?" Minho asked.

"Just came to check on my baby and make sure everything was running smoothly," Jisung said trying to pull Minho into a kiss. He was drunk.

"How did you know where I'd be?" he asked.

"You didn't turn off your location. Mind if I crash here tonight? My mom kicked me out again." Jisung explained.

"Umm I'd really rather you not. Felix!" Minho yelled.

"I'm coming, just a sec!" he called back. "You kids stay here, I have to go see what Minho needs," Felix said standing up.

"Hey babe, what is i- Jisung? What are you doing here?"

"He's drunk. His mom kicked him out and he needs a place to stay."

"No, no, no, no, no, no," Felix said, "He's sure as heck not staying here. Minho, can you call up Chan or someone to come get him?"

Minho nodded grabbing his phone, "Wait, do I let him in?"

Felix sighed, "Sure, but as soon as someone comes to pick him up, I want him out."

Minho nodded and Felix went back to the kids.

Within a few minutes of laying on the couch, Jisung passed out.

beep beep beep

Shit, I bet Minho just left the food cooking.

Felix ran to the kitchen with a fire extinguisher.

Only 2 hours in and this is already the worst night of my life.

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