3. Fates Intertwined.

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[[Hello again everyone and thank you for stopping by to read chapter 3 of "Transformers: Annihilation". I don't really have anything else to say for this chapter except thank you all so much for reading the last chapter and I promise you there will be a lot more action in this one! Without further ado, enjoy reading!!]]

Through the busy streets of London, a Lamborghini can be heard as its engine roars whilst speeding by building after building. Hot-Rod was going as fast as he could in his alt-mode towards the university building with Cade in the driver seat, loading his very own created pistol with explosive rounds. Up ahead, two more of those mechanical beings emerge from the ground. People running and screaming from the panic that engulfs their minds. The two beings begin destroying car and breaking buildings, demanding to know where the 'boy' is. Whatever that means.

Hot-Rod rapidly approaches the two beings and hopes to get by them both without being noticed. However, past all the terrified screams on the people on the streets, the sound of the Lamborghini can be heard. This catches the attention of the two behemoth giants as they both simultaneously look over. Cade looks out the windshield of the car and grabs his pistol, trying to cock it but it jams.

Hot-Rod: "Hostiles inbound! Cade, get ready!"

Cade: "For what?!"

Hot-Rod: "A fight!"

Cade: "I know that!"

Hot-Rod: "What are you doing then?!"

Cade: "My gun's jammed!"

Hot-Rod: "Now it is the perfect time for guns to not be jamming!"

Cade: "I KNOW THAT! C'mon now, you no-good chickenshit little rat!--"  Before he can continue his barrage of insults, the gun unjams.

Cade: "Roll down the window!"

Hot-Rod does just that as Cade leans the upper-half of his body out the window. The two mechanical beings begin running towards the Lamborghini, with full intent on destroying it. Cade had other ideas as he aims his pistol out the window, shooting at them. The knockback from the explosive rounds are enough to heavily damage one of them as the impact flings him into the other one. The dead mechanical body landing on the other as Hot-Rod speeds off past them both.

Hot-Rod: "Nice shooting!"

Cade: "How far are we from the university building?"

Hot-Rod: "Not far, just past this bridge and around another corner."

However, these mechanical beings have other plans as another two emerge from the water in the river. Hot-Rod speeds past the carnage of people panicking and begging for mercy.

Hot-Rod notices the two beings start lifting the bridge. Cade takes notice of this as well, with a hint of worry growing across his face.

Cade: "Maybe you wanna slow down, just a tad bit?!"

Hot-Rod: "Viviane needs our help! We do not have to time to waste!"

Cade: "Woah, woah, woah! Wha- What are you doing?!"

The bridge continues to be pushed apart, the road leading upwards like a ramp by the two other beings. Hot-Rod doesn't want to stop. He knows that Viviane is in danger and he knows that they don't much time, neither does she if those mysterious transformer-beings get to her in the university building. That building is the only place keeping her safe, the last time he checked that is.

The bridge is lifted from the two giant robots, causing cars to slide off and back onto the flat roads. Hot-Rod manages to drive up one side of the bridge as fast as his tires could move, Cade buckling his seatbelt on.

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