4. The World Needs Us Now.

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[[Hello everyone and welcome to chapter 4 of "Transformers: Annihilation". I don't really have a lot to say here expect sorry this is taking so long to make, life has been kinda hectic at this moment. Other than that, I hope you enjoy and if you do, please leave a vote or a comment. It would greatly help push the story out to other transformers fans. Without further ado, enjoy reading!!]]

Chaos. Utter chaos would be the only words to describe what is happening to the world right now. Military forces across the globe have been stretched thin against Unicron's minions as the giant mechanical beings wreak havoc. All for some boy, no one knows who it is they are after. Smoke and flames could be seen in London, just on the outskirts. A few soldiers within the TRF Base cannot stand to look at it when they know they could be making a difference. Even if the difference they make is small and not enough, it would be an effort. Some many families are dying and they can't do anything about it, not yet at least. Some of the soldiers grow impatient just by looking at London, with their blood boiling for a fight. Others? They think about their own families and if they are safe. Only time will tell if this is true but for now, they all must stay put. Whether they like it or not...

Arcee and Hot-Rod wait just outside the communications center in the base whilst Cade, Viviane and Lennox head inside. People run around the hallways and station rooms, devising military strategies and tactics that could combat this large-scale threat.


TRF Captain: "Sir, we're getting reports that this is a world-wide threat. These things just keeping coming out of the ground. Last contact with the British military was 20 minutes ago. We're trying to contact other country assets as we speak."

Lennox: "We got the latest in military-combat gear, why the hell can't we establish some simple radio contact?"

TRF Captain: "We're moving as fast as we can to re-establish communications with the British military."

Lennox: "Move faster, I want eyes and ears up ASAP!"

Cade: "So what? We gonna get a plan goin' or we just gonna stand around like a bunch of idiots?" He questions Lennox, pacing after him.

Lennox: "Yeager, I brought you here cause I need to know WHY you're here."

Viviane: "You asked him to come here, I thought that was obvious."

Lennox: "No no, I mean why are you in England?" He answers, stopping dead in his tracks as he looks at them both.

Cade: "I-- Well.. Viviane and I are together. So I can live with her."

Lennox: "Hmph, makes sense. Now for the real question, do you know anything about this?"

Cade: "I dunno dude, I'm just as lost as you."

Lennox: "Yeah, yeah, those things mentioned something about a boy. You know anything about that?"

Cade: "Uhh, no, nothing."

Lennox: "You sure? 'Cause if you do then I need to know and I need to know now."

Cade: "Cross my heart, hope to die." He responded immediately.

Lennox: "Alright.. Okay. ISR Team, I need General Morshower on this giant screen ASAP!"

ISR Member: "Colonel Lennox, we have General Morshower ready for you."

Lennox: "About time, put him on."

Just as Lennox said this, the ISR team would click a few buttons and the General Morshower would appear on a giant TV screen on a wall for everyone to see. Lennox wasn't in the mood for any shit today and it seemed like Morshower wasn't either. His face was so red, it looked like steam could be flying off his head.

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