5. Havana, Cuba.

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[[Hello everyone! Before this chapter starts, I want to say thank you very much for reading this story. It means a lot to me, especially since the Transformers movies are leaning towards a new direction. So I have to say thank you very much. Without further ado, enjoy reading!!]]

Flying through the clouds, approximately 27,000 feet in the air above sea level heading towards Havana in Cuba. A lingering sense of anticipation was strong in the air amongst the humans. Cade sits on a seat with a parachute strapped to him, looking at his phone every few minutes. The nervousness and worries of awaiting a text or heck, even a phone call from Viviane about his daughter Tessa. He never really realized it until now but he now understands how much he misses her. The one who taught him how to stay happy when suffering financially, the one that taught him how to cook with ketchup and he couldn't forget the time where she stopped doing her homework, just so she could help him balance his checkbook.

It made him realize how grown up she is. She's out in college, with a boyfriend that actually loves her and on her own. Her being on her own was the part that worried him. Is she able to handle it? What if she gets homesick? What if he would never see her again? The worries of being a father caught up to him, making it a bit of a hassle to remember why he is doing what he is doing. He looks away from his phone, looking at the other end of the cargo plane. His eyes focus on Arcee sitting down, looking out of the window at the morning sky. The sudden realization kicked in, he wasn't doing this to save the world and have so many people praise him for his 'heroics', he's doing this because he wants his daughter to live a happy life. A life where she can be happy and free to do what she would love to do.

Whilst deep in thought, he is taken back into reality by a buzzing vibration from his phone. He looks at it and his eyes widen with joy.

Viviane: "Tessa is here, she seems like a lovely girl. She is worried about u though"

Cade couldn't believe it. She's worried about him? He's the one sitting there with this big weight of worry on his shoulders of hoping to hear from his daughter. Why is she worried? Before he can text a response back, another text from Viviane comes in.

Viviane: "I told her ur busy 'saving the world' haha. Shes gonna call u soon so pls pick up"

After Cade reads this text message, a random phone number calls him. Cade stands up out of his seat. The anticipation of hearing his daughter again is killing him. Without much haste, he answers the phone call.

Cade: "Hello?"

???: "Yeager? Gotta say, you're a hard man to track down."

Cade: "What? Excuse me?"

???: "Surely you recognise this handsome voice."

Cade: "Joshua?"

Joshua Joyce: "Right on the money, Yeager. How you keepin'?"

Cade: "Joshua, it's- Wow, uhm, how do you have my number?"

Joshua: "Like I said, you're a man that's hard to track down. Plus, I have my resources."

Cade: "I forgot you're a billionaire.. Anyways, why you calling me? I'm just curious because I'm expecting someone to call me soon."

Joshua: "Right well, just wanted to let you know that if you need help with tracking stuff down. Call me. Got it? Think of me and my... 'friends' as your contact. Kinda like when a friend is like 'I know a guy'. I'm basically that guy for you."

Cade: "I--  Uh, wow... Um, thanks Joshua.. Honestly, I think everyone will need to take all the help we can get."

Joshua: "Glad you considered the help. Just call me if you need any help with anything."

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