Chapter 45

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We drink the poison

Our minds pour

For us

And wonder

Why we feel so sick



"Let me go!" shouted Firdausi, struggling to free herself from the people in scrubs. The lady gripping her hands was wearing a white tunic like a nurse, while the other was trying to calm her down.

According to her recollection, she had overdosed on tranquilizers due to anxiety, which led to a serious addiction. Damien had stopped supplying them after her parents discovered the truth. They made sure he was arrested, although his dad, Mr. Richardson, managed to bail him out.

She was then taken to a rehab center in Abuja called New Beginnings Recovery Center. She found herself all alone with her troubles. Most of her days were spent in a cramped bedroom apartment with a small window, feeling like a dungeon. It was more like a prison compared to other rooms.

A nurse would bring her food, usually croissants with a chocolate drink, for breakfast in bed. She always wanted to run away from that place every time she took a breath.

After they left the room, she lay on the pillow, looking around, and eventually stood up from the bed, placing her feet on the tiled floor. She felt light as a feather in the blue uniform she was wearing. Everyone in rehab wore the same thing.

She glanced through the slit in the door, observing the girls in uniforms like hers passing by with the doctors and nurses. She was fed up with the place, particularly the monotonous therapeutic classes. Although she enjoyed meditation, it was becoming too much and boring for her.

She was so fed up with the place, especially those boring therapeutic classes. Even the cartoons were starting to feel dull. It was all becoming too much for her.

Feeling overwhelmed, she went back to the bed and settled down. She picked up a coloring book and started coloring an apple while humming to herself like a nightingale. But suddenly, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. They flowed harder and more bitterly.

It felt like everyone had just dumped her and forgotten about her. She used to be the center of attention and affection, but now it felt like a curse.

Just then, Nurse Sarah walked in. She had become like a matron to her during her time at the rehab center. "How are you? You have a visitor," she said, motioning for a young boy to come in. He was wearing chinos and a striped shirt, struggling a bit under the weight of a heavy box he was carrying.

She dropped the coloring book in disbelief. The last time someone important visited her was three weeks ago when Madina came to check on her.

Nurse Sarah left the room, leaving her alone with the visitor. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice filled with surprise.

"How are you doing?" Mubarak asked, flashing his Mr. Cool smile that he always wore when he was feeling shy.

"How am I supposed to be fine when I've been locked up in this room for almost two months and nobody seems to care?" she replied, frustration evident in her voice.

Nurse Sarah came back to take her around for some fresh air and meditation. The place was filled with girls like her, all trying to overcome their challenges.

The past month has been quite challenging for her beautiful life. Seventeen was an unlucky year, but she hoped to make up for it in college.

As she stood there with her canvas pinned on the drawing board and watercolors in her hand, the trees danced in the air and the sun kissed the floor.

She pondered on what to draw, and she was certain it would be something from nature. The birds chirped on the trees, adding to the sweet moment.

"Hi," greeted a chubby girl in their uniform, who had a dark complexion.

"Hi," she replied with a smile, and they embraced as if to say they were friends.

"I'm Yasmin," the girl introduced herself. "I'm Firdausi. Nice to meet you, Yasmin."

"Do you also love to draw?"

"Obviously, yes!" she happily exclaimed.

"Let me grab my drawing tools so we can do it together," Yasmin offered, and she nodded eagerly, waiting for her.

Short, whatever. But watch out for their brand new life.

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