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Hello there before you read this book,just wanted to say that this was all written before 0.7 part 2 came out.

He dosen't remember how he died..

He just knows that one second he was doing...something,and the next he was staring at white.

There was white everywhere..

He had stared at it for what seemed like hours.

And then he noticed that his hands were..bones?

He felt like panicking..but he didn't,it was..mute..like just out of reach.

He was..so confused.

He realised that his clothes were of the color of black and white,and he also had his hood up.

He inspected his clothing some more as he thought of his...situation.

Something clicked then..

"I'm Cross"he said to himself..it was not his voice..it sounded too dead,and monotone.

"But..also not Cross?"he realised that his clothes were slightly diferent to the original Cross.

He put his now skeleton finger on the suspicous white powder that decorated his black area of the clothing and whiped..

"This is dust..im also not wearing boots,they are black slippers..i don't have the locket.."

The only answer he could come up with is that he was a alternate version of Cross Sans.

His hands froze when he tried to take his hood off..and he didn't mind the dust laying on his clothes..

"Am i..a Dusttale version of Cross?"

The anti-void didn't answer him...

He got up from the white ground.

"What am i supposed to do?"

He thought of things to distract himself with.

"Maybe trying magic out.."


As he practiced his magic,some memories of the Dust Cross came.

One memory was of Cross killing his Papyrus multiple times in grief,along with other monsters and humans in glee.

Another showed of how he killed Gaster very painfully.

Another was of breaking the mind of Chara,manipulating them into doing whatever he wanted.

The last memory was of him killing every living thing for the first time,and making Chara erase everything after merging their SOUL together.

He was..impressed to say the least.

This Cross always had problems in the head,in fact,he seemed to like gore,blood,monster dust and dead bodys way to much for his familys comfort.

He was not suprised he ended up overwriting killing people he knew over and over again,while knowing he wouldn't be punished by it.

He even had Gasters vial in his zipper pocket,how neat.

His bones appeared to be purple,just like he thought they would be,his gaster blasters were purple and red in eye color.

He called out to Chara,and they appeared in their ghostly form,dead eyes stared at him,waiting for his command.

"What do my eyes look like?"he asked,they asnwered with no emotion"Red eye in the right,and purple in the left,they also glow because of the shadow over them"

He nodded to himself"Go"they dissapeared.

He decided to try and summon the red knife that the original Cross once had.


The knife they managed to practice with was purple..no suprise there.

They called out for Chara and told them to summon a portal...suprisenly,they took out the overwrite button and pressed it,a glowing purple portal opened up infront of him.

He didn't actually expect for them to know how to do it..maybe it was because Gaster knew how?he wasn't gonna think about it more.

"Let's go to..the doodle sphere"Chara nodded and the portal changed to the doodle sphere.(yeah hes not gonna question it)

He stepped through it and started floating,the portal clossed behind him quickly.

He looked around,and saw that there were many torn papers floating around.

The last episode of Underverse that he saw was 0.7 which barely came out,he thanks his lazy self that decided to watch it instead of going outside.

He suddenly felt REALLY on edge..he dodged the incoming Error Sans.

He watched as the destroyer landed on a platform,he got up,glitches popping up from the rough landing.

He looked to his left as he heard someone land on another platform,it was Fresh!Ink.

"Oooh~hey there broski!"the parasite said while on one hand stand.

He didn't get to asnwer as Error wrapped him up in strings and launched him up with a red bone.

He decided to watch the rest of the battle...

He landed on the platform Fresh,Core and Ink were after they finished.

"Oh!who are you?"Ink asked in his newly made outfit.

(Edit heres a drawing)

He shrugged,Fresh scooted over to him"Welll~you kinda like Criss Cross!"

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He shrugged,Fresh scooted over to him"Welll~you kinda like Criss Cross!"

He suddenly realised that Core dissapeared..

"Oh!You do!"he leaned back as Ink was suddenly way to close for comfort.

He tilted his head"Who is this..Cross?"the Parasite and Protecter looked at eachother.

'is my voice that weird?'he sweatdropped.

"Well i'll skedaddle broskis,this rad skeleton has things to do!"He clossed his eyes as Fresh fresh poofed out.

"Do you have a nickname?"Ink asked,he shook his head.

"Hmm"they stood there for what he thought were hours.

"Oh!i got it!how about Iron!"he blinked..it sounded,okay..

He nodded,Ink smiled up at him"Nice to meet you Iron!im Ink!"

He shook hands with the shorter.

"Oh!Where are you going anyway?im trying to find Cross!now that i think about it..are you some kind of alternate version of him?"

He didn't asnwer.

"Anyway!maybe you can join me?"

He thought about it.

'it's Ink..trouble always finds him..but then i might find Cross with him..ah fine'

He nodded,Ink grinned"Cool!jump in!"he said taking his large broom in hand and painting the platform with black paint,he jumped in.

He sighed and walked over to the puddle and stepped in it...

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