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Iron did not expect to end up to being invited to dinner...

Well free food am i right?

Him and Orbit teleported outside the shorters house and got in.


Orbit chuckled"that was Meteor,let's sit down"Iron and Orbit sat down.

Meteor walked in,spagetti ready to serve.

"HERE YOU GO ORBIT!AND SKELETON I DON'T KNOW THE NAME OF!"Iron silently snickered"It's Iron.."


Iron quickly took a bite of the spagetti and realised something...he couldn't taste the food.

'is the spagetti that bad?i was tasting my chocolate just fine'

He decided to ignore it and keep eating,Orbit smiled as he took a bite"It tastes better bro,those cooking lessons from other versions of you paid off!"

Meteor smiled,and Iron wishes for sunglasses.

They briefly talked about what the two Outertale brothers did today,and Iron asnwered some questions about himself.

He got up as he finished,Meteor smiled"WELL I HOPE YOU VISIT IRON!IT WAS NICE HAVING YOU FOR DINNER!"

Iron nodded and was about to demand Chara for a portal when a puddle of ink appeared..and in came out Ink"Iron!there you were!"

He glared at the little nuisance,and summoned a blaster.

Orbit squeaked as Meteor grabbed him to dodge hes attack,Ink took the attack,to stund to dodge.

Iron waved at the brothers before going through a portal.

Ink whined about his clothes as he left in a puddle of ink to try and find him.

Orbit looked at the big hole his and Meteors house now had...


Iron,now with a full stomach,felt like puking..

'oh god,this Sans did not eat much did he?'he thought holding where his stomach should be.

He looked around,and realised he was in Glitchtale.

How did he find out so quickly?i think you already know that answer.

Also the giant Pink blob that is bigger then the city is a big tell.

He hummed,maybe he should go and watch?


He stole some white chocolate on the way there as he now watched Gaster,Sans and Papyrus fight.

He was starting to get really into it when he was smacked with one of Gasters big hands.

He groaned as he got up,he looked at Gaster who was glaring at him,he glared back.

He dodged Bette trying to now cut him in half.

He glared at her and she smirked,he summoned his knifes and targeted her.

She shreked as she was hit,not having expected this kind of attack.

He called to Chara and made a portal,he quickly jumped in.

He looked at his hand and yelled,his white chocolate was gone!


He was grumpy from losing his chocolate when Nightmare appeared again.

"Ah,finally,now,who might you be?"he ignored him and continued to sulk.

"Hey,answer me"

They stood there in silence.

"I said-"he cut him off by throwing a knife at him,he dodged and glared at him"now that wasn't very nice now was it?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Now,who are you?"he decided that he would leave.

"Iron,bye"he jumped into a portal,the screech he got back was music to hes ears.

He looked around.


It was black and purple,X Gaster was here after all.

He decided to walk around and explore the new changes.


He ended up catching Classic,the skeleton was watching up on a mountain looking down at the carnage.

Classic turned his head at Iron as he snapped a twig in half.

Iron walked over to him and they stared in silence.

Classic was the one who broke the silence.

Classic was the one who broke the silence

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Classic didn't respond to that...

Iron decided to leave as boredom caught him early.

Classic watched as the taller skeleton left"damn..that was a good one"


'today was an exprience'Iron thought laying down in his anti-void.

He felt mentally and psysicly tired.

'the nap helped but it wasn't enough'

He clossed his eyes...

"Hey broski!"his eyes snapped open to see Fresh looking down at him.

"Hello,Fresh"he tiredly responded,Fresh hummed"sorry to interupt your sleeping yo,but Inky asked meh to find you"

He grumbled"well tell him i am to tired"

Fresh stared at him for a couple of moments before shrugging"well i can't force ya,see ya!"

Iron sighed as Fresh fresh poofed out and clossed his eyes again.

'hmm'he called out to Chara,they appeared and looked down at him.

"Make sure nobody can get in here but me anymore"

Chara nodded and pressed the Overwrite button.

Iron relaxed his bones and slowly fell asleep.


And here is some art of Iron

And here is some art of Iron

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