Iron snippets

785 31 3

(Iron gets thrown out of the machine)

Iron woke up to having his face with the ground.

And his whole body tensed as hell.

He got up,quickly grabbing his furred hood as it tipped down.

He heard the sounds of..electricity?

He then heard multiple footsteps.

He finally looked up from the ground as the footsteps stopped to see,two Sanses and a Papyrus looking at him.

"OH!ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"UT Papyrus said,he tilted his head.

UT Sans stepped infront of the others,he guessed the other sensed his LV.

Iron could feel two more monsters with high LV.

He looked up,the two were right above him,UT Sans eye glowed a bright blue and yellow as he saw Iron look up.

Iron looked back at the others before summoning a bone to pierce through the ceiling.

He jumped through the hole he made,grinning as he heard the two yelp.

He stood up as he landed and looked at the two skeletons he scared.

He was lucky the two were asleep.

He grinned behind his scarf..

(Iron lands in a war multiverse)

Iron landed in a war zone.

He looked around as he blocked the bullets and magic.

He decided to get some LV...





Splatter and Full hid in the hole they made as they whimpered silently.

They were definetly quitting...

(Iron lands in a bitty multiverse)

Iron looks around,everything was bigger now.

He sighed and walked around,trying to find something to entertain himself with.

He was suddenly grabbed by someone,he was about to summon bones and impale the big skeletal hand when he heard the monster speak.

"Oh,you're new"he turned his head to see a Killer!Sans staring at him.

'he looks alot like Shadow..'he thought,he decided to stay...

(Iron meets a ship child)

'how did you get here?'Iron thought

There stood a monster,why was Iron confused?because the skeleton popped into existence right next to him

"Who are you?"he decided to ask,the skeleton blinked up at him.

" name is Paperjam"

Iron looked down where Shadows house was,the bitty was sleeping,thankfully.

"How did you get into my Anti-Void?"he asked sitting down,Paperjam slowly sat down next to him.

"I don't know"Iron sighed,well he guessed hes having a guest today..



Anyway..i might make more snippets,who knows

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