Random crap-

495 20 2

Iron was confused,very confused.

He was talking with Shadow like he always did,when he was suddenly teleported in a house.

He walked around and found that there was no one inside,he checked the rooms,checked the kitchen (and found some vanilla chocolate,yum)and finally grabbed the phone that was on a table in the living room.

And found it this was his house, apperantly.

He was...so confused.


He was a teacher...a sewing teacher.

He was screwed.

Lucky for him it was the weekend when he got here.

He sighed as he laid down on the couch of his now home,he missed Shadow already,the bitty was probably running around trying to find him.

"I do not want to do this"he said to himself.

He knew he had no choice,he had to teach classes sewing,and he was not gonna be great.

He was so screwed...


So it turns out he wasn't so screwed,he was doing ok actually.

He walked out of the school in a good mood.

He got back to the house and threw himself on the couch and procided to fall alseep right then and there.

He woke realising hes gonna have to do this for a whole week.

He was suddenly in a very bad mood..


The third went on like this.

"Mr.Iron,how do you get the fabric in the needle?"an oh și innocent student of his asked.

Without missing a beat he answered"just think about what your parents do,then you will understand,i did it to your parent last night to remember"

Yeah he was in a weird mood that day.

That's how he got the title "Your mom Iron".


How last day of the week went like this.

"Mr.Iron,i finished!"a student who was one of hes favorites said.

He looked up from his work (he was making himself a very complex scarf)and looked at the scarf his student finished.

"Oh wow,it looks like something a three year old would make,nice one"

He watched in amusement as his favorite student walked back to their seat defeated.


He woke in the anti-void.

He got up and looked around,finding Shadows doll house he walked over to it and called for the bitty.

Shadow ran out screaming about where he has been.

"Work"he said hugging the smaller,the bitty looked at him confused...

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