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(This chapter was slightly edited since im an idiot)

They landed in a forest...

Ink looked around as he put his broom on hes back again,Iron prayed that this is Aftertale.


They were not in Aftertale..

They were in Altertale,and suprisenly on the surface?

They searched for goddamn hours,and didn't find Cross,Iron was ready to steal some white chocolate and ditch Ink.

"Well,maybe we can try another one?"he glared at the shorter,Ink sweatdropped.

"Well,i remember that i threw him in a forest,i don't remember which AU i thought of when doing that though"

Iron was ready to crush Inks head If the skeleton didn't remember fast.

"Uhh,maybe this one?"Iron followed with his head down...


They procided to do this for hours...until,finally,Ink decided to try Aftertale.

"Last one!i can feel it!"he ignored him and walked around,trying to find buildings.

"H-Hey!wait up Iron!"

"H-Hey!wait up Iron!"

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Cross was so weirded out...

"So..another version of me?that's not suprising"the skeleton who called himself Geno said.

Cross blinked,Geno,seeing his confusion,explained"There's already another Sans,i am a product of determination"

Cross didn't exactly get the explanation..but he rolled with it.

They both stopped at a house"here,this is my two brothers house,come on in"he followed with hesitance...


"Soo,any idea where we can search this time?"Ink asked skipping next to Iron"Sanses and Papyruses house?"

"Oh..good idea!let's go there!"Ink started running"do you know where the house is?"Iron asked,Ink skitted to a stop and turned to him..and shrugged his shoulders.

Iron resisted the urge to smack his skull into a tree multiple times...


They split up eventually...

Ink ran around the city like a headless chicken,when he finally found this universes Papyrus and Sanses house.

"Finally!"he knocked on the door,he could hear shuffling and someone talking before the door opened.

Ink smiled as Aftertales other Sans,Geno,opened the door.

"Hello?oh,which universe are you from?"Geno asked scratching hes cheek"Nope!is someone by the name of...uh.."he quickly checked his scarf.

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