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Iron woke up..still tired.

Why?because the floor wasn't exactly comftarble.

He groaned getting up.

He called out to Chara and entered the portal.

He looked around and found the couch he wanted before crashing on it.

Iron hoped that the Dust Sans that was here didn't come to hes home to soon...


Sans hummed as he walked through the empty Snowdin,he stopped as he arrived to his house and opened the door.

He froze as he saw a skeleton sleeping on his couch.

His brother appeared next to the skeleton,curiousity clear on hes face.


Sans agreed and walked up to the skeleton,he shook him slightly and blocked the giant knife going for his neck,his eyes widen as his bone barely lasted a second before it broke.

"Oh,it's just you.."Sans glared at the other"what are you doing in my and brothers house?"

"First,im Iron,second,im tired"

"And why my house exactly?"Sans demanded crossing his arms.

"Only house i could think of while barely being awake"

Sans blinked"i've never seen you around here.."he said as he readied hid bone attack to empale the other.

"Not from here"Iron yawned,Sans grinned as he let his attack loose.

He gasped as he was tackled to the floor,he froze as a knife was pressed to his neck,he watched as his bone attack laid behind Iron.

"Well i got my ten houred nap,see ya never Dust"Iron said getting up and walking over to a portal that opened out of thin air.

Sans stayed wide eyed as the portal clossed,Papyrus appeared before with,just as just shocked as he was.


He nodded...


He landed in Bittytale.

Looking through the exit of the alleyway,he thought of a plan...


"Hello.."he jumped and looked behind him to see a skeleton,he was staring at him.

He clossed the box.

He crouched and growled,the other stepped closser and he growled louder in warning.

He stopped as the skeleton placed what looked like to be..cooked meat on a plate right infront of him.

He quickly grabbed it and started eating.

The skeleton turned around and walked away...

He made sure to never forget the other..


A couple weeks past when he jumped again at the greeting of a hello.

He snapped his neck towards the noise to see the same skeleton from before.

He stopped opening the box and slowly walked up to him,freezing as the other crouched down.

He grabbed the cooked meat the other handed to him.

He stared at him for a moment before grabbing his hand that lay limp infront of him.

"Hmm?"he put the hand on his head and started moving it.

The hand froze before it started petting him.

He slightly relaxed as the energy transfered to him slowly.

The big skeleton left after a few more minutes...


Multiple visits later the skeleton came again,he strugled to get out of the box before ruuning over to him.

He grabbed the meat he was given and enjoyed the slow petting he was given.

He grabbed the skeletons sleeve and bit it,he looked at the other with empty eyes.

"Yes?"he started pulling the other to the box.

He opened it and the other peeked in.

There sat multiple bittys tied up,they looked up and started squirming,some even started telling through the tape they had.

He jumped in his box and grabbed the tallest he had,he dragged him to the big skeleton.

He held up the tied bitty to the bigger skeleton.

He grinned as the other grabbed the bitty.

He pointed at the bitty in hes hand and then at the others before pointing at the knife he had kept for a while.

The bigger skeleton tilted hes head.

He stared back,he had first captured them for food or money,but now.

Now he needed to know the bigger wouldn't care about any other bity but him.

The bigger grabbed the knife,the other captured bittys started crying and pleading.

The bigger then stabbed the bitty in hes hand.

The bitty dusted,the bigger then started picking up the rest of the bittys and killing them.

He giggled as he was the only one left in the box.

The bigger dropped the knife in the box and grabbed him.

He grinned widely as he stood on the bigger hand.

"What's your name?"he asked quietly,the bigger chuckled,he swore the others red and purple eyes glowed more.

"My name is Iron,and you?"

"I'm Shadow!"

Iron pet Shadows head...


Iron whistled as he walked through the bitty store,he could hear Shadow giggling as he ran around the store taking anything he wanted.

Iron had already killed the cashier,he was now just waiting for Shadow to get whatever he wanted.

"Iron!Iron!"Shadow called as he ran up to him,he was holding a jacket in hand.

"Would this look good on me?"Iron smiled behind his scarf"yes Shadow"

Shadow giggled as he ran back to where he got the jacket.


Iron hummed a tune as he made the dollhouse Shadow wanted,they were in his anti-void.

Shadow was eating right next to him,sometimes talking when he wanted something.

When Iron finished,he began putting all the things that could fit inside,Shadow helping.

They finished pretty quickly.

"Hungry?"he asked,Shadow nodded,Iron got up and opened a portal.

"I'll grab some things first,maybe explore the house till i come back,okay?"

Shadow nodded and went inside his new house,Iron waved at him before walking through the portal...

And i think done?i want to do more writting about Shadow and Iron now..

And add in Irons backstory..


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