Dandelion (Jaskier x Reader) (Fluff)

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A/N: I tried to find out the exact timeline of the Witcher series on Netflix, but I literally could not find a single timeline of both seasons anywhere, and I mean anywhere, so if this timeline is off in any way shape or form, let me know, and I'll fix it, thanks :)

Genre: Fluff

Word count: 519

Four months ago, Jaskier and Geralt got torn apart. And you tried to keep Jaskier from leaving. You may not have liked him, but he didn't deserve to be screamed at and shunned for trying to help. You're on the road now, Geralt pushed you away too. You tried to help him about, and he snapped at you, like he did Jaskier. You were in a town, planning to stay the night and continue on the road, to get to Kaer Morhen.

You're sitting at the bar as the innkeeper introduces the bard for the night. The Sand Piper.

"I hear you're alive, how disappointing." He sings.

You turn around at the voice you easily recognized. Jaskier. You snicker before turning back around to the bar and continue to drink your ale, listening to his song. You wait until everyone has left the tavern and approach Jaskier, strumming on his lute and humming.

"Hello, Dandelion." You smirk, as he almost drops his lute to the nickname he hasn't heard in four months.

"Y/N." He says before even looking up at you. You're the only one that ever called him Dandelion, for reasons he never knew. Jaskier looks up at you, "You're here. Did Geralt finally yell at you too?"

You shrug, "Yes."

Jaskier looks at you with sympathy in his eyes, "What'd you do to get him to snap?"

"I told him that Yennefer was up to something with Ciri, something sinister. But Geralt is blinded by love, so obviously he won't listen to a voice of reason in a dangerous situation." You sigh, as you head over to the bar, "I need a drink, fucking hell." You grumble.

"That leads me to my next question. What did he say to you to get you to leave?"

"Oh, you know, just shit like 'you're wrong' or 'Yennefer isn't like that' 'you're just mad she's the one I love' 'I wish you'd went with Jaskier' 'you're a failure of a warrior' the list goes on, and on, and on." You lift the cup full of Sodden Mead to your lips.

Jaskier walks over to you, "He's wrong about everything. You're amazing. Better than him."

"Well, everyone knew that." You smile, "Now, what have you been doing since I last saw you?"

You and Jaskier talk for the next hour or so, just talking about everything that's happened, drinking, slowly getting through some bottles. 

"Oh, Dandelion, you haven't changed at all." You laugh.

"Why do you call me Dandelion?"

You smile and look down at your cup, "You're bright, like sunshine."

"But why not just call me Jaskier like everyone else?"

"Well, that's not unique to me now, is it?" You joke, "Jaskiers are more than one color, I can't compare you to a specific color of one, which, yes, that is more realistic, but that means I can't compare you to sunshine, bright, happiness."

"You call me Dandelion to compare me to a specific color?"

You laugh at his missing of the point, "I call you dandelion because dandelions remind me of sunshine, and yellow is a sign of happiness, and joy, and you remind me that it's not as bad as I think it is." You smile at him.

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