Helpless (Radskier) (Angst)

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Some background, this is an au where Jaskier never ended up becoming a travelling bard and Radovid was never royalty, idk, I thought it'd be interesting to read. Also, I made up names for Jaskier's parents because they are unnamed in actual canon, just a note.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Drunk sex mentioned, parental abuse depicted, homophobia.

If any of those trigger you, you should skip this one, I'm sure we'll see each other in one of my other fics, until then, stay safe and take care of yourself.

The summer was warm, the birds chirped, and the sun shone through the sheer curtains of Radovid's bedroom windows. The faint scent of daises and cinnamon could be smelled in the air, and Radovid's room was a mess. Perhaps it was all the fumbling off of the two men's clothes the previous night, or the maybe because he simply hadn't cleaned in a while. He couldn't remember over the pounding of his head and the weight in his bed next to him. He'd expected to see a regular stable boy or a man he picked up in the tavern. Not the Viscount of Lettenhove. Julian Alfred Pankratz in his bed after a drunken night out? No way this could be happening. No way in hell.

The brunet man grumbled, tossing onto his side, sweat and rosemary and eucalyptus perfume scented him. His hair stuck to his face, and his black and gold embroidered doublet could be seen on the floor across the room. Julian shifted once again, this time moving to he could lean against the headboard.

"Gods," He mumbled, "My head is pounding." Julian rubbed his temples.

"M-my lord." Radovid stutters, how are you supposed to greet a Viscount? Gods this is embarrassing.

"Oh, for my sake and yours drop the formalities." Julian said, reaching for a pitcher of water and a glass, "I mean you didn't have a problem last night." He snickered.

Radovid, now suddenly very conscious of his naked state pulled his covers up a little, "Yes, uhm, I'm sorry."

"For what? You've nothing to apologize for." Julian took a sip from the water glass, "You want some?"

"Y-yes, I can pour it myself m'lord," Radovid offers, before Julian reaches for another glass.

"Don't be ridiculous, I can do it just fine, I'm not incapable of such things."

"I never said you were. I just think a Viscount should be treated with respect. Sir."

"Treating me like a child is not respect." Julian hands him the glass of water and moves the covers to get out of Radovid's bed, revealing his bare back, a handprint could be faintly seen on Julians shoulder blade, and Radovid could see the muscles in his back tensing. 

No wonder I- No, keep your thoughts calm. That's the Viscount you're thinking of.

Then Radovid notices a few large bruises spreading up the Viscounts arms, up to his shoulder.

"Oh, gods tell me I didn't do that." Radovid sighed, and moved the covers, getting significantly warmer now.

"What?" Julian turned, and glanced down at his arms, "No! No! You didn't do that, I uh fell off my horse." He was lying. Radovid could tell, he had an affinity for catching lies.

"I see," Radovid stayed silent for a few moments as Julian put his chemise, and trousers back on, and Radovid continued, "I don't mean to pry, but what really happened? You're too talented a rider to fall off your horse."

"Accidents happen." Julian shrugged.

"Yes, but not to you, Viscount."

Julian turned back around to Radovid, whom is still in his bed, "I don't want to speak of it. I barely know you and even if I did, this is a private matter."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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