A Night to Remember (Jaskier x Reader) (Spicy)

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A/N: If you know me and you're reading this, skip this chapter please :D

Another A/N: We all know why they didn't let Jaskier go to the Conclave party, it's because they all knew Jaskier in eyeliner, AND an outfit for the Conclave would be too powerful and take all the spotlight from Geralt and Yen, anyway happy reading!

You, Jaskier, Ciri, Geralt, and Yennefer went to the Conclave party, Ciri found a mage to talk to, careful not to reveal anything about herself that might alert someone of her true identity. She's going under the alias of Rera, a student at Aretuza, so you and the others can speak with the mages, getting information on Redania and Nilfgaard. 

You and Jaskier got stopped by Sabrina Glevissig by the refreshment table. You quickly chug a glass of wine before she starts speaking, preparing yourself for the emotional distress this woman is about to bestow on you.

"Y/N, I haven't seen you since our time at Aretuza together! I didn't think you make it here, with the fact you swore never to come back and all," she says through a two-faced smile.

"Well, Sabrina, it's lovely to see you too," you feign excitement, "You haven't changed a bit," You smile, "including your personality, still charming as always." You take a small bowl of calamari off the table, poking at it with the tiny fork stuck into it, "And as for why I came back, it certainly was your incredible looks everyone spoke of, I just had to know if it were true," You give her a halfhearted smile, and grab Jaskier's arm to walk away but Sabrina stops you.

"Who is this beautiful man you've brought with you tonight? You are quite the handsome one," She invited him to tell her his name.

"Julian." He nods uncomfortably.

"Julian! An elegant name."

"Yes, well it would be rude if we were to exclusively speak to you all night, it wouldn't be fair of us to ignore everyone else." You pull Jaskier away, before whispering to him, "One more word out of her mouth and I would've set the whole place aflame," you jest, causing your friend to let out a snicker.

"I think that would've been ideal to speaking to her at all," he takes your arm in his as you pass by a few men staring at your low-cut purple dress, decorated in silver vine embellishments, complete with a slit up the skirt, revealing a good amount of the skin on your upper thigh, as for your hair? Pulled back into a gorgeous, braided bun, with small silver flowers speckled throughout. The makeup on your eyes was also silver, but subtle enough to only glisten when met with direct light, and a multilayered necklace of amethyst charms, rockroses, specifically. Jaskier was dressed in a similar patterned doublet, with his tuning fork necklace around his neck, and silver rings scattered across his hands. You two look stunning together, you complement each other extremely well.

You and Jaskier stand by the wall, talking to each other, mocking other mages, pretending like you're having their conversations. 

"He's likely saying," you look at one of the mages, "'I can't believe Yennefer thought it a good idea to bring all of us together, what was she thinking, hur hur hur.'" You say in a fake manly voice, prompting Jaskier to respond in a feminine voice.

"'I entirely agree, this is a horrible idea, half of these people are arrogant bastards and the others, well-'" A man passed the two, nodding politely to them, before the woman gives the man a knowing look, "'Gods if I have to smile at one more cocksucker I might faint.'" Jaskier mocks before turning to you, out of character now, "if Valdo plays this song one more time, my ears will start bleeding, his off-key squawking is driving me mad." You snicker at Jaskier, before laying eyes upon Yennefer and Geralt across the room, Ciri not far from them.

Yennefer speaks to Phillipa Eilhart, as Yennefer is speaking Geralt looks at her lovingly, admiring every aspect of the witch, you could practically see his thoughts of dragging her off to a private room.

"Gods, I wish someone would look at me like that," You mutter, lost in thought.

Jaskier gently lays his hand on your bare shoulder, "Look at Yennefer," he tells you, you listen, "She doesn't know he's looking at her like that. She's looking away." He tells you.

You look at him, "Look at you, channeling the muses, you poet." You smile.

"The reason you yearn for it, is because you never see it when someone does look at you like that." He continues.

"Who would look at me like that?" You ask.

Jaskier draws your attention back onto him, feigning thought, "I don't know, who would?" He jokes, causing you to laugh even more, just as Yennefer and Geralt look back at you, Phillipa now walking away.

"You're an asshole!" You smack his arm, "honestly why am I still friends with you!" You respond jokingly as well.

"He's in love." Yennefer smiles to Geralt, "I've never seen him look at anyone like that."

Geralt nods, and Ciri walks back over to them.

"Y/N and Jaskier are having fun," She smiles, "Lady Yennefer," Ciri draws for Yennefer to let her whisper in her ear.

"That's childish," Yennefer scolds, as she waves her hand behind her dress, as you and Jaskier make your way to the dance floor as a song starts, you were going to dance with a stranger, out of sheer duty, but he had tripped before making to the dancefloor meaning you and Jaskier would be dancing partners.

Ciri giggled in excitement, playing matchmaker was always fun with Yennefer.

You and Jaskier dance to the song, getting lost in the music, you actually start to enjoy yourself dancing. Usually you hate events like this, seeing old comrades, meeting new stuck-up ones. In all truth you only came because Jaskier wanted to.

Jaskier whispers in your ear, causing you to gently blush, and hold back a giggle as a grin spreads across his face.

"These people are looking at us like we're insane." He whispers to you.

"Why don't we give them a reason to, then?" You grin mischievously, pulling yourself closer to him, perhaps the wine hitting your liver faster than it can break it down.

"Now what could you possibly have in mind?" Jaskier's eyes narrow seductively, awaiting your answer.

"When this song is over," you pull yourself to his ear, "kiss me, I'd like to see them talk about that." 

Geralt and Yennefer watch the two of you whisper to each other, "They're plotting something." Geralt states, drinking another glass of wine.

"Really, Geralt, I wouldn't have guessed." Yennefer speaks, looking around the room, noticing everyone staring at the two of you.

Jaskier's hands make their way up your back as the song comes to a close, but instead of immediately kissing you, he dips you, pulling you into a kiss as he brings you back up. 

"You sly bastard." You snicker.

Jaskier mumbles, "You're beautiful." His ocean blue eyes pierce yours, softening upon your gaze.

"What?" You ask, questioning if you heard him correctly.

"You're beautiful," He looks at you, love filling his eyes, exactly how Geralt looked at Yennefer mere minutes ago.

The realization sets in, and without thinking you press your lips against his once more, but this time with more passion, more love, not a facade, it feels like the world has frozen as the two of you stand in the middle of the dancefloor, bodies cradling one another, and lips moving to match each other. Your arms swing over Jaskier's shoulder, and his hand trails up your back, stopping at the back of your head, and his other hand planted on your waist, feeling the heat spread across your body, you pull away before it goes any further.

"I know." You smirk, biting your slightly swollen lip.

You and Jaskier walk away from the party, finding a room, locking the door, and before you know it, your dress is on the ground, revealing your body to Jaskier, who looks upon it as though he's worshipping it. Praising it. Jaskier sits on the bed, as you walk closer. His hands plant on your waist once again. His lips press down your body from your neck to your tummy, and you both have a night to remember.

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