It's Been a Long Time, Love pt.2 (Jaskier X Reader) (Angst/Comfort)

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This took forever to get out because I have had no time to really sit down and write. Sorry for the delay! I also might make a part three, so there's that!
You, Jaskier and Geralt walk back to the cottage on the river, once you get inside Jaskier closes the door and quickly locks it.

"Now is time for questions Jaskier." You tell him, but he frantically grabs a few of his belongings, stuffing them into bags, and rushing around.

"No time, we have to go to Kaer Morhen." He says, as he gently taps your cheek.

"No, Jaskier, you will explain now. Or I swear to the gods-"

Jaskier shushes you, and covers your mouth, "They're here."

Geralt grabs Jaskier's coat from his hands, and moves to the door, "Stay here, I'll take care of this. Bard, explain to Y/N what's going on."

Geralt sneaks out of the building and distracts whoever is after you.

"Alright Viscount, explain." You demand, as you grab your lover's face, making him look at you.

"I accidentally drank an immortality potion in a tavern in Skellige a while back, and whoever was the owner of the potion is angry and wants me dead. That's why I faked my death and ran, I wanted you to be safe."

"You say that like I'm not an all-powerful sorceress, Julian," you say, your tone laced with anger.

"Just trust me, please, we need to leave while Geralt is distracting them." Jaskier ushers you out of the cottage and leads you to three horses hidden in an old stable in the woods.

"We'll ride to Kaer Morhen, Geralt will meet us there."

"How do you know?" You ask.

"I told him everything, I gave him the letter he gave you for a reason."

"He knew you were alive?!" You shout at your past lover, "He knew, and he didn't tell me?! I tried to put a knife through my own heart because of your death!"

"You did what?" Jaskier gets quiet and turns his gaze to the ground in contemplation.

You look at him, his face dawning a sad, worried expression, "I tried to kill myself because I couldn't live without you, Jaskier." You say as a tear rolls down your cheek.

"I never wanted you to be hurt, I just wanted you to be safe." He gently rests his hand on your cheek, "We need to go, now," he says, and helps you onto your horse.

You grab the reins and wait until Jaskier is on his horse to start riding into the woods. Your horse neighs as you whip the reins, attracting the attention of whoever is after Jaskier. They circle around the cabin, coming to see what's happening and they start chasing you both through the woods. You push your heels into the side of the horse, getting him to go faster, with Jaskier following your lead. Making sharp turns you try to lose the Skelligens, going as fast as your steed can. Eventually the Skelligens disappear in the trees, and you slow your horse down as the sun sets over the tree line leaving you in darkness.

"Are you alright Jaskier?" You ask, using your magic to create an orb of light, being able to see just enough to be able to walk the path.

"I'm alright, love." He says, gently placing his hand on your shoulder.

You grab his face and kiss him, after a moment you pull away and rest your forehead on Jaskier's cheek, still processing if this is even real or not. You and Jaskier continue on the road to Kaer Morhen, only stopping for brief periods to keep bandits and such off your tail, and to let your horses rest.

Eventually you get to Kaer Morhen after a week's travel. Welcomed with big Witcher bear hugs and warm stew you and Jaskier sit in the main hall with Lambert and Vesemir eating the first meal you've had in a day or two.

"Are you both alright?" Geralt asks, as he pushes through the front doors, with Ciri close behind.

You hug Geralt, and mutter in his ear, "You ever keep anything like that from me again and I will have your head on a platter." You give him a sweet smile after pulling away.

"I won't keep anymore secrets like that away from you, I promise." Geralt tells you.

You turn to Ciri, and hug her, "I haven't seen you since last winter. It's good you see you again child," You smile genuinely at her, with her giving a small smile back, "We should turn in for the night. We've been travelling for a while. Good night, everyone!" You walk around the castle to find a room, with Jaskier basically on your heels. Once you find a room you go through the trunk in the corner, hoping to find something a bit more comfortable than the black satin over bust corset you've been wearing for the past week. Jaskier comes up behind you, and grabs your waist, causing you to turn around.

"Hello, love." You hum, and gently place a hand on his face.

Jaskier smiles, "You know, you'd be so much more comfortable in my shirt, and that outfit on the floor."

"You'll have to get me out of it first." You snicker at his flirtatious remark, "that could take very long."

Jaskier starts to untie the lacing on the back of your corset, but then there's a knock on the door.

"Damn," You mutter, "Who is it?"

"It's Ciri, I was wondering if you could help me with this spell. Usually I'd ask Yennefer but-"

"Of course! Just give me one moment please." You turn to Jaskier, with a now disappointed expression on his face, "I know, but you can survive one more hour, bard." You mutter to him, and he nuzzles his face in your neck.

"I suppose I could compose a new song."

"Precisely." You kiss him, and he helps you lace up the corset once again, and you head out of your room to help Ciri.

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