His Snapdragon (Jaskier X Reader) (Fluff)

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You, Geralt, Yennefer, and Jaskier had been invited to a noble's wedding, someone from Jaskier's past by the name of Stafford Daiden, an old friend of the poet's. You decided on a pastel green dress with light pink roses across the sweetheart neckline, with the tule becoming longer in the back. Jaskier decided on a royal blue doublet with golden buttons and vine embellishments. Geralt picked out a black doublet, with silver buttons. Yennefer in a black tight-fitting dress, with a bit of a stooping neckline.

You walk out of your room of the inn, to see Geralt and Jaskier awaiting.

"You look gorgeous, my lady." Jaskier smirks and kisses your golden ringed hand.

You pull your hand away, "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself, bard."

Once you get there, Jaskier makes a little speech about how you and Geralt can't ruin this for him, and that he hasn't seen his friend in years, so you can't make a fool of him.

"Yes, I understand, stay quiet, drink wine, don't dance." You mutter, immediately looking at the fruits on a table across the courtyard of the castle the wedding is being held at.

You grab a glass of wine, and an apple, staying in a dark corner, to avoid the cocksure party goers, and perhaps Geralt and Jaskier. They forgot something quite important about today. That being your birthday. Years with these two imbeciles and they forget the day of your birth, having gone over it many times. You intend to get wine drunk tonight, perhaps in your drunken state embarrass the Viscount of Lettenhove. Just to make a dull event worth the effort. The bards that Stafford hired start playing a slower tune.

"Care to dance?" Jaskier asks, placing a goblet on the table next to you, holding out his hand.

"I suppose I could dance; it wouldn't be polite not to."

You take his hand, and he draws you out into the courtyard. He gently places a hand on your waist, and takes your hand in his other hand, slowly swaying to the tune of the song.

"I thought you'd be bitter about your friend hiring other bards." You tease, with a mischievous smirk on your face.

"Oh, Gods no, if that man ever found out I'm the 'infamous Jaskier' he'd never have invited me in the first place. He's quite traditional, very dependent on daddy's money." Jaskier pokes fun at his friend.

After your dance, you grab yet another goblet of wine, heading out into the garden as the sun sets, making the lake by the castle shimmer with orange light, reflecting the clouds off the water. You walk around, looking at the pink, yellow, blue, and purple flowers blossoming as the moon gets higher in the sky. You admire the view, humming to yourself.

"Excuse me!" A man in a white doublet shouts, causing you to turn around to him, "You're here for my wedding?" Ah, Stafford.

"Yes, I just needed to take a breather, the party is incredibly energetic." You explain.

"I see, you're here with Julian, right?"

"Yes, I am."

"I thought I'd let you know; he was dancing with another woman."

You finish off your fourth wine of the night, "Oh, we're not here together in that way, I'm just a friend."

"I see, well, good luck with him. He's quite a firecracker from what I remember." Stafford walks off, as Jaskier walks out into the garden.

"There you are! I was just looking for you, I figured you might want to take part in the festivities."

"I'm not in the mood for games, Julian." You mutter, gazing at the lake, getting darker with each moment.

"Well, would you like me to stay with you out here? I got Geralt stuck in a conversation with the bride, she is very fascinated with the art of the Witcher." Jaskier jokes, "The scenery is beautiful out here. Much better than in those gloomy grey bricks."

"I know, I wish I could preserve it forever, but those snapdragons won't last," You glance at the orange and pink flowers, one is wilting, slowly succumbing to the earth.

Jaskier agrees, "As do I, my fair lady." 

You and Jaskier stay outside a bit longer, before you go back into the castle courtyard to get another glass of wine. Snagging a bowl of grapes as well. You head back out to Jaskier, only he's nowhere to be seen. You sigh, taking a sip of your wine, finally getting the world a bit blurrier. You sit in the grass by the lake, watching dusk. Eventually, the moon takes over, setting darkness across the lake and garden, watching the stars reflect off the subtle moving water.

"Y/N!" Jaskier shouts to you, "I have something for you!"

You raise your eyebrow in intrigue, "Oh?"

"Don't tell me you thought I forgot your birthday! I will have you know, I have been planning something for the longest time, I just needed the perfect gift." Jaskier drops himself next to you, "Lucky for us, I happen to know a sorceress who's willing to help. That is if I pay her, by the gods she is quite the tough one to bribe."

"Bribe?" You laugh a little, "Now what would you have to bribe that woman to do?"

"Just look," Jaskier says, looking out onto the lake.

A purple orb floats out into the middle of the lake, suddenly popping, showing a beautiful milky way. The galaxy illusion reflects off the water, before long, a small flow of water turns into a fountain. You smile widely at the scenery.

"Happy birthday, snapdragon." He mutters, "Oh! One more thing." He pulls out a small box from his pocket, "A gift, I needed a little help with it." He hands it to you, practically vibrating with excitement.

You take the box, gently opening it to reveal a necklace. An orange snapdragon preserved in quartz, strung onto a chain.

"Jaskier! It's beautiful!" You smile, as you clasp it around your neck.

"You said you wanted to preserve the view forever, I couldn't exactly put a lake into a necklace, but I figured that with a bit of help from Yennefer, I could at least save the snapdragon you were looking at when you said it. Now that I think about it, I could've just hired a painter. Maybe I'll do that next." He smiles, "It might be cheaper, at least I won't owe a favor to that witch." He jests.

"Thank you, Jask, I really appreciate this."

"Of course, my lady."

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