Playing in the Rain (Jaskier x Reader) (Fluff)

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This has been living in my drafts for so long that I forgot about it, so I'm finally publishing it, yay! Good for me! Enjoy! Also, it's a bit of a shorter one shot, I might update it later, idk yet.

"Jaskier, please stop talking." You sigh, as you hear the thunder cracking behind you, on the way to down pour.

"Why? Am I annoying you, Y/N?" Jaskier says, running his hand through his hair as lightning flashes behind him, and it starts to rain.

"Hurry inside, bard, I'll pay for the drinks." You say to your bard friend, knowing it'll shut him up.

You and Jaskier have been travelling together for a couple of months now, searching for Geralt of Rivia, to help him on his search for Ciri.

You and Jaskier sit in the tavern for a while, before renting two rooms, as the thunderstorm slows into a steady rain.

"Y/N," Jaskier says before you close the door to your room, "Good night." He gives you a small smile, and a loving look, before going into his room.

"Good night bard." You mutter to yourself, closing the door, still gazing at the door across the hall where Jaskier had once been looking at you.

You look out the window and see an empty meadow. You drop your sword on the dresser, keeping your small knife sheath on your belt, before smiling and walking outside to the meadow. All kinds of flowers are dancing in the rain. Forget-me-nots, dandelions, tulips, thistles.

You dance around in the rain, a guilty pleasure you've always had. The dark clouds spread over the sky, just barely blocking the orange and pink sunset. You laugh and spin around, letting your hair get soaked, and your boots to get muddy.


Jaskier decided to check on you. Less of check on and more of talk to you, but when he finds your room empty with your sword left, he starts to panic.

"Y/N!" He shouts, opening the door and running downstairs into the tavern, "Excuse me, have you seen the person I came in with?" He asks the barmaid, as he slams his hands on the table.

"They went outside, sir, I'm not sure where."

Jaskier rushes out, and thanks the barmaid while doing so. He roams around the square, before seeing a figure in the meadow, dancing and enjoying the rain.

"Y/N!?" He shouts, catching your attention, as he gets drenched from the downpour.

"Jaskier!" You laugh, "Come dance with me!"

He rushes up to you, and grabs your waist, pulling you into a kiss, "I thought you left me," He mumbles after he pulls away, "I got so scared."

You grab his face and pull him in again, "I'm right here, bard, I'd never leave you."

Jaskier smiles, and starts humming a little tune, and you both dance in the rain. A break from all the running away from someone and running after someone else.

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