Chapter 1: According to Plan

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"We're nearly there, girls," Myles Castiel smiled, peeking out the curtains of the carriage as dirt paved roads collided with gravel and making the tiny compartment shake. The two women who occupied the cabin with their father looked out their respective windows at the sight.

For several days, they had traveled from their home to Aldridge, stopping at inns along the route to rest for the night before waking before morning light and traveling again. Aldridge, compared to their home - which was a merchant's paradise along the coastal shores - was quite rich in farming and mining, the soil prosperous in nutrients for orchards, fields, and minerals. The colors of gold, bronze, and emerald made up the farmlands - making those who passed through the area wonder if the same colors were abundant in the mines. Rumors circulated that there wasn't any mines - that the real treasures and wealth rested in the fields of barley, wheat, and corn; however, others had claimed to see the mines filled with precious jewels like aquamarine, garnet, jasper, and different types of quartz - rose, clear, and smoky.

"Papa," one of the ladies turned to their father, indicating with a long finger at a village in the distance, "Does that mean the village there is Aldridge?"

"Yes Verity," Myles smiled at his youngest, "If I recall, Father Augustine's nephew, Antony, lives in the area as one the farmers' hands."

"That is perfect for Father Augustine, then," Verity smiled.

Father Augustine was a family friend to the Castiel family; he had been the one who married Myles and his wife, baptized both of their daughters, and became a source of comfort following their mother's death a few years prior. He was a sort of guardian and caretaker to the two Castiel women - as he was unable to have children of his own - and saw them as his own daughters.

"Of course. I did mention that he would be coming, didn't I Celeste?"

His eldest pulled her eyes away from the backdrop of the endless fields, nodding in agreement, "Yes... he is the only one I want to marry me to my betrothed."

"Celeste," Myles sighed, scratching at the front of his hair, "you and I have had this discussion before. The Gaiana's are well off and Septimus has shown much interest in you - you and him are a perfect match. Your mother would say the same."

"I've never even spoken with the man before," Celeste answered, "Besides, he is aristocratic - wouldn't he be better off marrying the daughter of a lord or duke?"

"Our family may not have titles, but we still have a large impact on our country's decisions," Myles agreed, "However, I want you both to be safe and secure. The Gaiana's are a perfect choice for you - they will keep you content and happy."

Celeste sighed, sitting back into the cushions of her seat, "Alright papa, I will try to do the best I can to win Lord Gaiana's affections..."

"That's my girl," her father's voice sounded confident, but not convinced.

Verity watched the two, keeping her lips pressed together - ever since their father announced that Celeste would marry Lord Septimus Gaiana in a few months' time, her sister had been on edge.

Celeste had always been a bit of a free spirited woman in her youth; constantly getting into trouble and daydreaming. She and Verity had often talked about their dream weddings while growing up - Celeste wanted to marry someone who had seen her for her, who would love her regardless of her class and vice versa, while Verity also wanted to marry for love, but would've been happy to marry a lord or duke. After their mother died several years ago, their father had pushed himself into looking for suitors for his daughters with little success - each one telling him that even though they were beautiful and kind-hearted, they couldn't taint their family names by stooping to marry daughters of lower class than they.

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