Chapter 9: Family Discourse

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When the thick smoke dissipated, Celeste and Lucas stood at what appeared to be the entrance of the woods that bordered the Gaiana Manor's - formerly the Sergius family - lands, the moonlight shining on the two as their source of light. A cool late spring breeze ruffled the leaves of the trees, announcing their arrival. Celeste shuddered, the surface of the land of the living so much colder than the world below.

"Are you alright?" Lucas asked, fear creasing his features when he noticed Celeste shivered, "You're not cold are you?"

"Just a little," Celeste admitted, wrapping her arms around herself, "However, I'm more concerned about our meeting with my family. I'm not sure how we should go about it."

Lucas nodded in understanding, tucking his hands into his pant's pockets, "As much as I am nervous about it, I'm more concerned about losing you."

Celeste looked down, twisting her hands together. She had thought she had gotten over her awkwardness around Lucas - but there would always be something that would make the two of them fall silent.

A cool hand pulled Celeste's attention back to her corpse groom as he took one of hers and kissed the knuckle, "No matter what happens, we'll stick together."

Celeste gave a little nod, "Though I think everyone will be a bit surprised to see you if we walk through the front door..." her voice trailed off as an idea popped into her head, "Wait a minute... I think I know what to do."

Lucas tilted his head, listening intently.

"They're not going to expect me to be married - since I'm still considered engaged to Septimus," Celeste began, "So, I'll go to the manor and break the news to my sister, since she's the closest to me and the most accepting of situations. We'll discuss it with my father, then I'll bring them both out here to meet you."

"And I assume you want me to wait here?" Lucas asked.

"Precisely," Celeste answered, grasping his hands in both of hers, "It would be easier this way versus going to the house together and causing chaos with our arrival."

Lucas furrowed his brows in thought, his eyes shifting away for a few moments before shifting back, "And what if something happens to you? I don't know about your supposed 'fiancée' or his family, but from what you've told me about your father - he's not likely to take this lying down... though commendable, but stupid."

"I'll deal with him," Celeste answered, "And don't worry about me - we have our special word that will bring us back to the land of the dead. If they try anything, I will let them know I have the capability to disappear again and won't return if they try anything."

Lucas snorted, squeezing her hands in his grasp, "Since when did you become so bold?"

"I think it came on because of you."

Lucas let out a laugh, pulling Celeste to his chest and kissing her forehead before pressing his against hers, "Please... hurry back to me, Celeste. I've waited ten years for you - I don't know how long I'll be able to wait for you to return to me again."

"I'll try to be as quick as possible," Celeste promised, "It may take a bit to convince father, but I'll do my best."

She released Lucas as he did the same, his hand grasping at her warmth as it slipped away like sand through his fingertips. He watched as her figure drifted further and further away from him and closer to the house - all the way until he could barely make Celeste out as the light from the manor engulfed her.

Once she was out of sight, Lucas leaned against one of the nearby trees and folded his arms over his chest.

"Septimus, huh?" he muttered under his breath, shifting his gaze to the moonlit sky overhead, "I wonder..."

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