Chapter 8: Elder Hilderich

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The cobblestone walkways of the land of the dead were more crooked, making everything uneven. The buildings taller than any Celeste had ever seen - nearly touching the everlasting night sky with rooftops that slanted in different directions. Twisted lamp posts lined the main roads and several side streets, brightening them with a soft eerie yellow light. Shops of different types lined the roads; Flora's Tailoring, the Undead Grocery, Parts and Service, and Living Lilies were just a few that caught Celeste's eyes. There were few corpses that walked the streets, several disappearing in and out of what appeared to be a tavern called "Ball and Socket."

"'Ball and Socket' is one of our haunts, I suppose you can say," Lucas explained when Celeste asked, "It's a common place for all of us deceased to spend time in each others' company - whether it's over a drink or not."

"So it's a social gathering?" Celeste asked.

"Very much so. When you die, class and status no longer matter - we all could pass the time in our eternal lives doing absolutely nothing if we wanted to. However, there are a few of us - like Belvedere, for example - that want to live like they did when they were alive. Thus, we make adjustments as needed; some of us work, some of us play... others wait."

"Wait for what?"

Lucas grunted, "...Our families to join us in this life."

"Oh," Celeste looked away, biting her lip.

"I know you were curious, I didn't mean to make the mood sour."

"If anything, I should be apologizing," Celeste answered, looking at her companion, "You're trying to introduce me to a world that I know nothing about, and still haven't grasped yet."

"It's alright Celeste," Lucas smiled, his arm coming around and resting on her shoulder, "To be honest, if I wasn't waiting for you, I probably would've been waiting for my close friends to join me, or searching for my own family that passed on. Probably would still be waiting or searching."

Celeste nodded in understanding, "Is it a very lonely process?"

Lucas shrugged, "It's different for everyone I imagine - I suppose it's why a lot of us try to follow the routine we had in the land of living. It helps pass the time and allows us to focus on something other than when will our loved ones join us."

"I wonder if my mother is doing the same thing..."

Lucas cocked his head in question.

"My mother passed away several years ago," Celeste explained, "Ever since, I've felt my father push me further and further away."

"May I ask what happened?" Lucas asked.

"She contracted a sickness of sorts, though I'm not sure what exactly. For a time, both of my parents were convinced that it was just a cough that would eventually fade. However, it got worse with each passing week; by the time father sent for a doctor, she was bed bound and too weak to even move."

"Sounds a little like Influenza," the voice of Belvedere spoke, causing the couple to turn as the doctor appeared before them.

"Honestly," Lucas growled, "can I not have a few moments of privacy with my wife before one of you lot come and interrupt us?"

"Well, when a very elusive corpse groom brings back a breather as his betrothed, we're all a little curious," the skeletal doctor shrugged his shoulders before turning to Celeste, "You seem in much better spirits now my dear. How are you feeling?"

"Much better, thank you," Celeste smiled and curtsied, "I'm not sure how I can repay you."

"No need for any repayment, my dear," Belvedere smiled, "Though, the only favor I have to ask is to make sure you stay well; I'd rather not be on the receiving end of Lucas' rage should something serious happen to you."

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