Chapter 3: A Disastrous Affair

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Celeste swallowed hard, nerves finally kicking in as she stood with Septimus at the front of a makeshift altar as their family looked on. If Father Augustine wasn't on the other side of the altar nor that Nanny Diele had drilled proper etiquette into her brain, Celeste was fairly certain they would've had to drag her kicking and screaming through everything - literally.

Her fingers clutched in her skirts as Septimus smiled, reciting the vows they would say tomorrow afternoon, "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows, your cup will never empty for I will be your wine."

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows," Celeste followed along, picking up the bottle of wine and pouring it into the small cup beside them, "your cup will never empty, for I will be wine."

Septimus picked up the cup and brought it to his lips, drinking about half the liquid before handing it to Celeste as she followed suit. She handed the cup back to Septimus, who returned it to the table and picked up the two candle holders with a candle, handing one to Celeste and taking a match and striking it, "With this candle, I will light your way in darkness."

He lit Celeste's candle with the match before blowing it out as Celeste spoke, taking his candle and lighting it with her own, "With this candle, I will light your way in darkness."

The two of them set the candles on the table before Septimus pulled out a plain gold band from his breast pocket, offering his hand out to Celeste's, "With this ring, I ask you to be mine."

Celeste slowly lifted her left hand, taking Septimus' hand in it, "W-With this ring... I take you to be... mine," the last words were spoken so softly that everyone had to strain to hear her.

"Then here is where I will pounce both of you 'man and wife'," Father Augustine spoke, closing the heavy bible in front of him, "As I say this, Lord Gaiana will place the ring on Miss Castiel's hand."

Septimus nodded, a smile spreading across his features as he gazed at Celeste, "I would be honored to call you 'my wife' following that."

"That may be well and all," Bellona spoke from her spot, her sharp gaze flicking to Celeste accusingly, "However, I don't see the girl's heart in it."

"A case of nerves, my lady," Celeste spoke before Verity could jump to speak on her behalf, "I am still unsure how to respond to an arranged marriage."

"Many young couples have arranged marriages," Bellona answered, waving her hand in dismissal, "Put your heart aside like many of those poor fools and listen to what your head is saying. You and your family are much better off having you marry into mine - you'll want for nothing and have peace of mind."

Celeste bit her lip, feeling rage build up in her. Already, her betrothed had shown far more interest in her sister than her and now the lady of the house made her feel like an ungrateful child. What if she wanted to follow her heart and not her mind? She was already willing to sacrifice her freedom for her father's wishes to marry into a family of power, but now she had to be a trophy to the family?

Bellona was continuing, rubbing salt into the wound, "Consider yourself lucky, girl. If it wasn't for my generosity, you'd still be looking for a husband to settle down with. No one wants to marry a woman with a long face like yours - I'm surprised my own son isn't complaining."

"Lady Gaiana..." Father Augustine spoke in a low tone, "isn't that a bit much? This is to be your daughter-in-law after all."

"I see no issue with a little insult," Bellona answered, shrugging nonchalantly, "She needs to grow a spine - that's the only way she's going to survive in this world."

Silence followed before Celeste whispered, "Excuse me," before moving swiftly from the room, the door to the parlor slamming shut behind her.

"Quite the catch, isn't she?" Bellona rolled her eyes before turning to Myles, "I wouldn't mind having your other daughter marry my son - she has a bit more backbone than that one does."

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