Chapter 15: Can a Heart Still Break Once it Stops Beating?

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"I wonder what happened?" Septimus led Father Augustine and Myles Castiel toward the parlor of Gaiana Manor.

"I doubt it's anything good," Myles growled softly under his breath.

Ever since they received word that they were needed immediately back at the manor, Myles became very agitated. Father Augustine watched him while they had ridden in the carriage back to the manor - noticing the fidgeting of his hands before one hand would reach up and pull on his cravat. His normal grin was now suppressed by a disapproving frown, making him look older than he actually was. Septimus seemed on edge as well; the poor groom-to-be rubbing the back of his neck, eyes down cast, while he bit his bottom lip repeatedly.

"I'm sure there is nothing to worry about," Father Augustine commented, trying to be positive even when the air was thick with emotion, "We'll fix whatever needs to be fixed, then head back to the chapel."

"I'm going to agree with Mr. Castiel on this one, Father," Septimus sighed, "If it was mother that summoned us to the parlor, it can't be good - for any of us."

One of the footmen was standing by the door of the parlor, visibly quaking as he stood to attention.

"Tristian, was it?" Septimus asked, feeling fear bloom in his chest, "What happened?"

"S-Sir, I was told by Mr. Emil to escort you into the parlor," the young man began, "... but I don't know if I can."

"What do you mean, boy?!" Myles snapped, "Out with it!"

"Myles!" Father Augustine barked, "Calm yourself - the poor lad is in a bad enough state as it is."

Septimus turned to Tristian, "What is going on?"

"W-Well..." Tristan swallowed hard before answering, his voice vibrating and making each of them shake as he answered, "... Lord Lucas Sergius summoned you to discuss an important matter with you and the rest of the household - specifically you, Lady Gaiana, Miss Verity, Master Castiel, and Father Augustine."

Septimus shook his head, turning toward the parlor door - he hadn't seen Lord Sergius in ten years, however it was due to his unexpected death after drinking cyanide that had been laced in his wine goblet the night of his wedding.

Of all the men Septimus had met during his young life, he had wished Lord Sergius had stayed longer - he was pleasant with him when he was in his company and didn't mind being bothered by him leading up to the wedding and his unexpected demise. When he had been buried six feet under, his mother had warned Septimus to never say the name of that man again - he had served his purpose and had given Septimus the title of "Lord Sergius" before he died, leaving everything to him and his mother so they would be well-looked after. It was then that he began to question his mother's motives, noticing strange things here and there like how she kept a pill bottle on her at all times and was consistently looking for men of class and money when she married. When he had reached of marriage age, it was she who handled the arrangements - often pushing for marriages nearly in a few months' time; although there weren't many lords or dukes who were willing to put their wealthy daughters up for grabs to the likes of him, there had been one other besides the Castiel family that had a near marriage to him before death took her from them as well.

While he was lost in his thoughts, Myles scoffed, "Is this a joke? Lord Sergius has been dead for the past decade!"

"Myles, enough already," Father Augustine spoke up, his voice sounding a bit harsher now before he turned to Tristian, "Please permit us entry, sir. We would be happy to discuss matters with him."

Tristan bowed, opening the door and permitted entry.

A fire had been lit in the hearth and the curtains had been open to allow the golden sunshine to fill the room, making it brighter than it had been ever before. A tea set sat on one of the small tables along with a red bottle that looked like wine sat next to it.

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