Chapter 16: A Father's Plea

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All watched as Verity's hands fell on the teapot, the China shaking as she lifted it and gently poured it into the cup opposite of Bellona's. She picked the cup up, closing her eyes and said her last prayers before bringing the cup to her lips and downing the drink.

"Good girl," Bellona smiled once Verity set the cup down, "It will only be a few moments and you'll be away from this world."

Verity clutched her skirts, and bowed her head.

A weird noise came from the room, making everyone look up as Bellona rubbed at her throat. A frown marred her features before she poured herself another cup of tea from the pot and downed the drink in one go.

"Something wrong, Bellona?" Lucas arched a brow, a knowing smile on his features, "Feeling a bit... parched? Or something stuck in your throat?"

Bellona turned on him before a cough erupted from her chest, her body suddenly doubling over as wheezing racked her frame. She dropped her weapon, her hands falling to her throat, chest, and mouth. Verity took the opportunity and scurried away, becoming pulled into Septimus' arms.

"What... did..." Bellona let out another cough as her body shook.

"We warned you that there was a balance that needed to be restored," Lucas smiled, releasing Celeste's hand and moved toward his first wife, "it would seem that the cups were switched - mind you, it seemed to work faster in tea than in wine."

Bellona choked, blood sputtering from her lips as she glared at Lucas, "You're a... fool."

Belvedere stepped forward, pulling Bellona up and toward the set of doors. All watched on as dark crows surrounded the two before disappearing from sight.

"What's going to happen to her?" Septimus asked, worry covering his features as he tucked Verity into his chest.

"She'll be judged for her crimes when we return," Elder Hilderich answered, "Many of her secrets will come to light as the charges are brought forth."

"So justice will be served for those who suffered?" Myles asked.

"Indeed," the elder answered with a nod and an adjustment of his glasses, "The living cannot escape their crimes in the land of the dead... perhaps this lesson will teach her about greed, wrath, pride, and envy."

Lucas let out a sigh of relief, side eyeing Emil, "Nicely done."

"Of course," Emil smiled knowingly, bowing at the waist to his master, "I've waited a long time to finish what I started."

"You knew the tea was poisoned?" Celeste asked, arching a brow at Lucas.

"Not the tea - the cup, my dear," Lucas winked, "As I said before, I'm dead, not dumb - I knew exactly what Isabelle would be up to, based purely on experience."

"So you warned Emil," Celeste answered.

"Precisely," Emil answered, "and I, in turn, warned Miss Verity not to drink anything that Lady Gaiana placed before her."

"I... suppose I should thank you for saving my life," Verity bowed her head in shame, "and I apologize for offending you when we first met - I was... worried about my sister."

"No apologies or thanks needed," Lucas smiled, "We could start from scratch as long as you're all agreeable."

Verity smiled and curtsied, "Of course, I am Verity - Celeste's younger sister - and I think you know Lord Septimus?"

Celeste giggled at her sister's sudden change in demeanor, watching as Lucas came forward and took her sister's hand, bowing over it, "It's a pleasure to meet you at long last - and of course I know Lord Septimus, I saw him as a son for the duration before my demise."

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