Chapter 4: The Unseen Wedding

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The pathway, which appeared to be more of a well-worn walkway through the dirt on the forest floor, through the woods was long and narrow with twists and turns in every direction. Trees lead the way, some of their battered branches blocking parts of the path while others blocked out the dying sunlight from above - making the woods even darker than they had initially appeared. The occasional call of a crow racked the air as movement followed shortly after - the birds flying from branch to branch as they watched the lone figure of Celeste from above.

The woman lifted her skirts to step over, yet another, fallen limb that blocked her path - careful to not allow any rips in her dress or stockings, knowing fully well that she would receive an earful from Nanny Diele if she was to catch her like this - before continuing down the path. Celeste clasped her hands behind her back, her eyes wide and filled with wonder as she took in the hidden sanctuary within the woods; although it was dark in many spots, she could still see patches of wildflowers growing with moss at the base of the trees as patches of sunlight hit them, making the image seem almost magical. 

“It feels like I’ve walked right into a fairy tale,” she inhaled deeply, stopping and closing her eyes as she felt a smile spread across her lips at a taste of freedom after what felt like an eternity of being trapped, before the smile dropped again, “but, I suppose every story has to have an ending…”

Celeste grunted unlady-like, kicking a few stones off the path as she continued onward, “Stupid woman… she doesn’t know what love really is. I bet she never fell in love before and married Lord Sergius for his money…”

‘...You would’ve been better suited for the master,’ Emil’s comment broke Celeste’s train of thought, making her wrap her arms around her waist while one finger tapped against her bottom lip in thought, ‘Now why would he say something like that or even think it? …Sure, papa wanted me to marry into a promipent family with money and power - he always believed it would keep us comfortable - but how would an arranged marriage to Lord Sergius be any different than what I’m going through with Lady Gaiana’s son?’

Celesete shook her head, “Come on, Celeste - Lord Sergius has been dead for who knows how long - and he was initially married to Lady Gaiana. Why even ponder the idea…”

As much as Celeste wished for it, she couldn’t help but wonder about Emil’s previous employer. She imagined him to be quite a handsome man - tall, but not lanky, with gray eyes like storm clouds and blond hair pulled away from his features, tied by a black ribbon, with the front section curled in front of his face. Arched eyebrows nearly the same color of his hair would’ve expressed anger, joy, and sadness, following the emotions in his eyes. He probably also wore fine clothing like her father - heavy cottons and wools in shades of brown and blue and fine silk cravats in cream with boots in fine black leather and heavy soles, leaving solid comforting steps in his wake when he walked within the manor all those years ago. 

Celeste stopped, taking a seat on a stump a little off the beaten path, crossing one leg over the other while her elbows rested over her knees, huffing in discontent. As selfish as it seemed, she was praying she had had the chance to meet a man like the late Lord Sergius. He seemed so much better than Septimus and his wandering glances toward her sister - however, Celeste did suppose that much of it was due to her imagination. She knew that every so often, when her mind started to turn like water in a mill, her thoughts would run away from her - creating fantastical situations that could only be read about. Everyone had thought her a little too otherworldly with her ideas when she did attempt to give her input, causing her to keep many of her thoughts to herself and sealing herself away during special events that were hosted as well as ignoring any and all invitations to gatherings. 

‘Well, this is not what I came out here to do,’ Celeste leaned back on the stump, resting her hands on either side of her, looking around the area she had found herself in.

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