Chapter 6: Two Lost Souls

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Celeste was taken back, "How do you know about Lord Sergius?"

"That doesn't answer my initial question," Lucas raised a brow, releasing Celeste's hand and leaning back in his chair, "I asked first, so you must answer my question first."

"We're not going to get along if we keep this up," Celeste grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting slightly, turning away from Lucas.

"I consider it quite entertaining. Never would I ever think that I would find myself in a lovers' quarrel the same day I was married..."

Celeste tsked, "You're horrible."

Lucas chuckled, "Only to you, love. Though, I have an idea if you're willing to listen for a moment."

Celeste turned back toward him as Lucas leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and folding his hands together, "Since we're both so curious about each other - and we're both inclined to ask questions versus answering them - how about we go back and forth? I ask a question that you'll answer, then you ask a question that I'll answer."

Celeste thought about it for a moment, before nodding, "As long as you don't ask about Lord Sergius, I think we can manage."

"I won't ask if you'll allow me to ask you something first," Lucas agreed.

"Very well."

A smile spread across the corpse groom's features, "What were you doing out in the woods all by yourself? I assume most young ladies such as yourself would have had an escort or chaperone of sorts."

"I don't want to talk about it," Celeste turned her head away again.

"Please, Celeste," Lucas asked, "I'm only curious - and concerned."

"It's... it's silly really," Celeste answered, not really wanting to look at him.

"Try me - you'd be surprised."

Celeste sighed, head still facing away from her supposed 'husband', "My father had arranged a marriage for me to a man I didn't know. He claims it was because he wanted me to be happy and secure - but I think he had other motives."

Lucas was silent, leaning back in his chair again and shifting his eyes away from Celeste's form, his voice soft, "I'm... sorry you had to endure that..."

"The wedding is supposed to be tomorrow," Celeste continued, "but... I couldn't marry someone I didn't love. When I was child, I had dreamed about my wedding day - and the man I would eventually spend the rest of my life with. I went to the woods to get away for a bit... silly and stupid I know."

"Not at all," Lucas surprised her, making her turn her attention back to him as he took her hand in his again, "I think many people dream about their wedding day - regardless if they are the bride-to-be or groom-to-be."

"Did you?" Celeste asked.

"Are you sure you want to ask me that question?" Lucas cocked an eyebrow at her.

Celeste licked her lips, swallowing slowly before she nodded, "Did you think about your wedding day when you were a child?"

"I did, on occasion," Lucas admitted, "For a while, being the son of a lord, I was sought after quite a bit - and courted several young women in my time. However, I always felt this sort of... disconnection between me and them. I could never ask them to marry me due to our incompatibility, even though my father and my closest friends attempted to force me on several occasions to marry several prominent women in our circle. After my father died and I took over his position, I knew that I would need an heir to help carry on the family name - and soon. A friend introduced me to a widow who had lost her husband to a sickness several years ago and already had a young child that needed a father-figure and the two of us had a small spark - though I felt we had more of a friendship versus a romantic relationship. Our... marriage, if you can even call it that, was short lived and merely of convenience."

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