First Memory

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When Louis picked me up for the date, I don't think I had stopped smiling. My cheeks probably hurt but at that time, I felt so over the moon. He greeted me with the sweetest smile, although all of his smiles look sweet to me. And he reached his hand out for me to take. I thought in that second, wow, he's such a gentleman. I felt like a princess.

He drove us to an amusement park and I was excited. When he parked, he got out of the car so fast I had to blink twice wondering why he did that. Until he was outside my door and opened it, motioning for me to get out as well. I smiled when I realised his actions and thanked him. He shrugged it off saying it was no big deal.

We walked in together and looked around, taking in all of our surroundings. I felt so small in there. Almost as if it was just me and Louis even though the place was crowded. But I blurred everyone out for the day.

He motioned for one of the new big rollercoasters and I immediately nodded. We walked towards the line, which was long, and waited there until we started getting bored.

Then I had come up with an idea.

"Louis, I have a challenge."
I started and smiled towards him.

He raised his eyebrow.
"What is it?"

I looked up to the ride and then back at Louis.
"Let's try and have a conversation during the ride."

"I wanna say that's easy but then again-"

"Then say it. I don't mind."
I smiled.

He slapped my arm.

After a long time of waiting, we were finally able to settle ourselves in. It was two seats per row and we went to the front. Just to increase the challenge.

When the ride began, I only looked at Louis twice, smile so big on my face. We were going up slowly and my heartbeat seemed to as well.

"So," I started when it stopped at the top, it slowly started moving forwards again and then we were dropping at a high speed downwards. My face felt light yet heavy. "What did you eat for breakfast today?"

Louis laughed beside me.
"Toasts. They were a bit burnt." He shouted back.

The ride was bumpy and I couldn't hold in my laugh either. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Remember that cuss word I leaned in Spanish?" I said after a minute.



"Yeah!" Louis replied.

I laughed.
"My mum translated it and gave me a lecture about being careful with learning words like that."

"Fair enough. Cuss words in Spanish are aggressive. You did intimidate me a bit whenever you said it randomly." Louis admitted. His sentence was broken up a bunch of times so I had a hard time fully listening to him.

"Hey! I'm quite intimidating when I want to be." I randomly blurted out.

The ride was going up again so we were able to catch our breaths and enjoy a bit of silence.

"How could you ever be intimidating?" Louis tried looking at me. "If anything, it would be... intimidatingly beautiful."

I laughed.
"Is that a word?"

"Yes it is, Harry, my vocabulary has been expanding."

We reached the top again and I had mentally prepared myself again.

When we went down, I shouted, "do you remember that time I googled penile fractures and went on images?"

Louis laughed really hard after that. And then I was also laughing. We were tearing up by the time the ride ended. Our hair was a mess and we felt like jelly when we stood up and started walking.

"Having a conversation on a ride is a lot harder than I thought. I couldn't even think of anything." I said breathlessly.

"Couldn't think of anything?" Louis repeated. "But you managed to remember about the penile fractures?"

"It's a memory I can't forget." I laughed.

"And now I can't either! You're the one who sent me the images of random cut open dicks." Louis said. "Which, by the way, I felt very uncomfortable afterwards. I never thought I'd see the inside of a dick."

"See! We learned something that night. How dicks look on the inside." I said cheerfully.

"Yeah, no, don't try changing the story around."

We had spent the rest of the day going on more rides and eating junk food. By the time we got back home, I felt full and I don't know if it was because of the food or emotions. But I had a good day.

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