Fourteenth Memory

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Louis took me to a date at the amusement park. It felt cool being grown up but still excited for rollercoasters and activities like these. He held my hand and payed for our tickets, we went towards the bigger ride first.

"Do you remember our first date?" He asked when we stopped at the line.

"'Course I do, almost five years ago." I smiled.

"Five years. Wow." Louis sighed.

"Getting tired of me?" I teased and he rolled his eyes, "I'll never get tired of you."

"I was joking, baby."

"I know."

We small talked while we waited. We were surrounded by teenagers and loud music, an environment I haven't been in for a long time.

It's not like I'm terribly old. I'm at an average age where I'm an adult but not a boring adult.

We finally got seated on the train and buckled our seatbelts. Louis double checked my safety and I rolled my eyes playfully.

This time we didn't try having a conversation on the ride like the first time, we just screamed and laughed and I mainly laughed at the way Louis' hair got really messy. Louis laughed at the way my cheeks were trembling from the speed. The ride went on for four rounds and by the time we were off, we could barely walk.

"This is embarrassing. Those teenagers are walking perfectly fine, how?" I said breathlessly.

"Adrenaline," Louis replied, voice equally as quiet as mine.

I fixed Louis' hair and he fixed mine. Then I may have stolen a kiss from him.

"Let's go to that one!" Louis pointed and I immediately shook my head with fear in my eyes.

It's that one ride that goes in a circle and the person gets to decide if it stops upside down or not. Absolutely not. I can't be upside down for longer than three seconds.

"You'll be fine, Harry, and then we can go to the ferris wheel?" He looked at me.

I stared at him and then at the ride.
"If I die, you're not allowed to marry someone else."

He rolled his eyes, "don't be so dramatic, love. Nobody is going to die."

He walked us over to the ride, holding my hand.
"Plus, why would I marry someone else? Nobody compares to you, you're all I need."

"Don't be so romantic minutes before my death."

"Harry, stop talking about death at such a happy place."

"Then where am I allowed to talk about death?"


I wish the wait at the line was long but it wasn't. We only stood there for five minutes before we were seated and strapped safely.

Louis held my hand tightly and I closed my eyes shut. I felt the little train moving and then we were going in circles. I knew if I opened my eyes I'd get dizzy so I didn't.

Then it stopped and it felt as if my heart was going to swim out through my throat. We were upside down.

"You alive?" Louis asked quietly and I know he has a smile on his lips.


"Shut up. Open your eyes for a second, we're fine."

I did as told and saw Louis was looking at me with a soft smile. His thumb rubbed circles on my hand. Everything looked cool when upside down, the neon lights, the people walking under us — and we're moving again.

Louis laughed when I closed my eyes and just let the ride continue. I didn't count how many times more we went in circles but I did open my eyes as fast as I could when I felt it stop and we were able to get out.

I exhaled when I got out and walked away from the ride as if it'll kill me if I stay by it one second more. Louis laughed, walking faster to catch up with me.

He held my hand and kissed my shoulder, "look at you, handsome and alive. Just how I want you."

"What if I was ugly and alive?"

"Would you stop overthinking everything, Beautiful? You're concerning me."

"Sorry. I was only teasing you. Can we get some cotton candy and then go to the ferris wheel?" I asked.

He smiled, "of course, love." He brought our joined hands up and kissed the back of mine.

We got the blue cotton candy and decided to share one.

Luckily, the line for the ferris wheel wasn't long. Louis sat close to me and the person locked our door.

As we went up, we continued eating our cotton candy and remained quiet in each others presence. On our second round to the top, Louis spoke up, "I've been thinking about giving life to that room in our house."

"Huh?" I asked, I had zoned out looking at the city.

"That room in our house, we should give some life to it."

I stared at Louis, "millions of things are running through my mind, be straightforward. Do you mean a pet? Or plants? Or do you mean reorganise it because it looks ugly and messy?"

Louis laughed and shook his head, "babe, no. I mean, I don't mind any of those options. But I meant a baby. Of our own."

My jaw dropped. "A baby?" I said in a softer tone.

"Yeah, are you ready for that?" He asked and he looked like he was going to add more to the question but I kissed him.

"So ready. This is so exciting Lou! A baby!? Oh my god!"

He chuckled and ate some cotton candy. "Yeah I've been thinking about it and I just wanted to know if we're on the same page."

"Oh! I wonder what colour we should paint the room. Oh! The baby clothes! Toys! Names! Lou, we have so much to plan! This is- this is- I'm so excited!"

"I can tell," Louis smiled.

We kissed slower and made sure to not make anyone uncomfortable when we were going back down so we stepped back and continued snacking on our cotton candy.

The smile never left my face and neither did my thoughts. I was already planning everything ahead for our baby.

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