Second Memory

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After school, Louis went with me to my house. The first excuse was so we could do homework together. But we both knew little homework was gonna be done. It still felt good to have some sort of task in mind.

Mum didn't question it when he went past the door after me, instead just greeted Louis with her usual smile and welcoming hug.

We grabbed a snack and then went upstairs to my room. Mum then came in after two minutes and opened the door, leaving it three inches open.

Louis and I both laughed about that.

We talked for most of the time. Catching up and gossiping about our friends and random thoughts. Then we listened to some music. Mostly Coldplay.

Louis was singing beautifully and I was obviously staring at him with a fond look and a smile. I think my cheeks were rosy too. They felt warm. And like, butterflies... they were all over my stomach. It was a funny feeling but I loved it.

I always felt like that around Louis.

He told me to sing with him so I did. And our voices sounded so good together. It was a melody I wanted to listen to everyday. Perhaps we should try music in the future? Maybe write our own songs and sing to each other. That sounds nice.

I asked him about it after our little concert.
"You should write songs and sing them."

He stared at me for a moment and smiled.
"Is my voice that good?"

"'Course it is, Lou. And," I pointed and smiled, "our voices sound good together so we should duet as well."

"You're right. Our voices do sound good together. Let's sing another one!"
He looked for his phone.

We had another round of loud singing and Louis finally answered my question.

"Music has always been my second option when I think of my future."

"And which one is your first?" I asked him.


I laughed after a while of staring at him with a serious face. He had said it in such a serious tone. I think he was actually being sincere about his choice.

"I think musicians are cooler." I said.

"Yeah?" Louis looked at me.

I nodded. "I'd rather brag about a boyfriend with a nice voice than a boyfriend with good strategies. Although I guess good strategies means good intelligence. But you're already intelligent so-"

"So you think of me as a boyfriend?" He raised his eyebrow in a teasing way and I felt my heart drop. I had said boyfriend? Shit. It slipped out.

"I guess?" I managed to reply, afraid of what he was thinking.

Even though he asked me on a date, I wasn't sure if it was gonna go further than that.

"You know... calling you my boyfriend does sound nice too, doesn't it?" He said.

I think my heart completely stopped at that time. My mind went blank.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"
He stared into my eyes.

Man. Is it the intensity of his eye contact or the question he asked, but is it getting hot in here? I think I was sweating.

I always fantasised about getting asked out. Sort of practicing how I'd reply. All for what? I felt frozen.

I nodded, finally.

He smiled and all of my worries had banished away. That was embarrassing. I was so shy and awkward all of a sudden.

Then he leaned forward and I probably started sweating again.

"Can I kiss you, boyfriend?"

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


He closed the gap between us and I felt his lips touch mine softly. He was gentle with me.

And I was going to go for a second kiss but then I heard Gemma's voice from the stairs: "Mum, Harry just had his first kiss!"

I looked at Louis and then we both started laughing together. I wasn't embarrassed. I felt comfortable.

At diner later, mum kept giving me a look and I wanted to go invisible for a while. Louis was next to me and Gemma was next to mum wearing a proud smile for snitching me out.

Then we went to toast our drinks.

"Here's to Harry's first kiss." My mum said.

"Mum!" I whispered and looked away.

"Cheers!" Louis and Gemma had said at the same time with a chuckle.

After diner, we all watched a movie in the living room and shared a bowl full of popcorn. I enjoyed that evening so much. The closure. The happiness of knowing my family loves Louis as much as I like him.

I showed Louis out afterwards.

"I think Gemma is around a corner somewhere, I feel another set of eyes on me." Louis muttered and laughed.

I rolled my eyes and shouted, "Gemma, privacy!"

I heard a laugh and then footsteps getting distant. I turned back to Louis who was smiling at me.

"A lot happened today." He started and I had immediately agreed. "I had a good time. With you and your family. As always." He smiled.

"Oh! Did I mention you look beautiful today?" He gazed at me.

"This morning, yeah."
I blushed.

"Well... you look beautiful." He smiled. "Now I said it in the morning and evening."

"You didn't have-"

"I wanted to."

"Okay." I looked down. "Thank you."

"Good night, Beautiful." Louis waved at me.

I watched him leave and then I closed the door with a warm flushed face.

"No goodnight kiss?" Gemma said from behind, disappointment in her voice.

"Gemma! What did I say about privacy?"

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