Twelfth Memory

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I kissed his cheek, his nose, his eyes, his forehead, his chin, his lips, and he finally started smiling, his blue eyes fluttering open.

"Happy birthday, my love," I whispered and he closed the small distance between our lips again.

We slow kissed for a while. It was sloppy and calm. His hands were behind my head, grabbing at my hair but not hard enough. My hands were everywhere. His hair, his neck, his arms, his waist.

"Thank you," he whispered when we pulled apart.

"For the birthday message or the kiss?" I had to ask.

"Letter C, both."

We laughed quietly and I hugged him closer to me.

We laid on our bed, the sheets half way down our bodies, my legs poking out, Louis almost on top of me. I absolutely love mornings like these. It's just silent and it's just us. I always dreamed of a moment like this.

After some minutes, I reached for a gift under the bed and handed it to Louis.

"You won't spoil me, right?" He teased and I looked away with a smile.

Inside the wrapper, there was a small box. He opened it and his smiled grew wider. I bought him a guitar pick. A nice one at that.

"This is gorgeous," he commented and checked it out.

"A gorgeous guitar pick for a gorgeous guitarist," I said.

"I'm not at that level yet."


"To call myself a guitarist," he explained.

"You totally are. Give yourself credit, love."

I sat up and pulled some boxers on.
"Let's have some breakfast and then I'll get you your second gift."

"Second? Harry- how many are there? And stop smiling like that."

"I'm excited! Hurry! Put on some boxers and let's go."

Louis got out of bed and pulled on the boxers he found on the floor. I grabbed at his hands and we made it out of the room, going down the stairs like little kids on a Christmas morning.

Under the Christmas tree in the living room laid a rectangular box waiting for Louis to open it. I smiled wider when I saw Louis' curious eyes but I reminded him that breakfast comes first.

He sat down at our kitchen table and I told him he won't need to help me today because today everything will be for him. He kept me entertained by telling me about his recent dream he had while I cooked us breakfast.

I made him a large meal, a bit of everything. He thanked me a million times but I kissed every gratitude away. I sat next to him and we ate with hearts full of love. I fed him some grapes and we smiled at each other constantly.

I left the dishes in the sink for later and took him towards the living room, sitting him on a couch.
"Ready for your second gift?"

"I am."

I placed the box on his lap and he started tearing it open. I watched him with a fond and excited smile, but the again, when am I not? He kept giving me curious glances until he managed to rip everything off and he saw the gift.

"No way, Harry! What!?"

"Do you like it?" I asked and sat next to him.

"Like it?" He looked at me, "I fucking love it. Harry this is crazy! This is expensive."

"I know, you've been wanting it for a while," I said.

"I don't even know what to say," he says while looking at the electric guitar I got him.

"You don't have to say anything, play me a song, come on." We walked towards another room.

He went to connect the guitar to the amp while I went to get the new guitar pick I had gotten him. When I went back to the room, he was already tuning it and hitting random chords.

"It sounds so nice, looks so cool, god Harry, you really spoiled me here."

"Shh, here," I gave him the guitar pick.

He smiled at me once more and I sat down in front of him on the floor.

He hit the first chords of a song he has been writing lately. I absolutely love the intro of it. My rockstar prince. I watched him with adoration. The way he excitedly tries his best, the way he learns effortlessly. I think I love him all over again.

"How did it sound?" He asked afterwards.

"Like heaven." I replied honestly. "When will you finish that song? I love it already."


I smiled.

We rested for a while, for dinner we went to a restaurant. We dressed elegantly and I told the waitress if they could sing him happy birthday, to which they happily agreed. I got to see Louis smile and his cheeks redden. I knew he was a bit embarrassed but he still kept his head high. He's adorable. We ate dessert and I let Louis pay for it since he kept nagging me about how I'm spoiling him too much. It's his birthday, can he relax for a bit?

After the dinner, I took him walking to a little hill. It wasn't far and it wasn't that far up. You could see from up there the city below and there's a bench for you to sit. It was quiet and dark. The stars so visible above us and the wind was chilly.

He sat next to me, his hands in mine, our shoulders touching.

"This birthday was good," he whispered after moments of silence.

"It's not over yet," I simply said.

He looked at me, "you don't have more gifts do you?"

I smirked and looked at him, "I do. My dick is wrapped with a red bow for you to untie later."

He stared at me and I laughed.
"I'm kidding! Unless..."


"Okay, okay, but I do have one more gift."

I stood up and took out the small wrapped box from my pocket. He stared at me and then at the box.

I got on one knee and handed him the present.

He unwrapped it slowly and I think he already knew. I smiled, my right hand resting on his left thigh for support.

The box was elegant. A nice shade of black with the business name softly inked at the top. He opened it and stared at what's on the inside with a soft smile and teary eyes.

"Marry me, Louis."

He pulled me by my neck into a kiss. I felt one of his tears on my skin. I got up, not interrupting the kiss, and properly sat next to him on the bench.

I took the ring box and took Louis' ring and hand. I pushed the ring on his finger and then kissed his hand.
"God, you're really spoiling me today." He whispered.

"You deserve it."

He put the ring on my finger as well and we held hands, staring at our matching rings.

"This birthday for sure is the best one I've had," he said.

"It's not over yet," I repeated and he slapped my thigh.

I laughed and he rested his head on my shoulder.
"I love you, Harry. With all my heart."

"Good, because I love you too and everyday I'll keep falling for you."
I kissed his head.

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