chapter 1

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Wednesday 22nd January 1969

I was born and raised in Gary, Indiana, I have lived here my whole life in a small bungalow on 2300 Jackson street. I go to school just down the road, and even though I love learning, going to school is one of the most draining things for me to do. I don't have many friends, well, I have one best friend, Michael. Me and him bond so well. We both love music, reading, writing and dancing. Basic, I know but we love it.

Its my 11th birthday today, where I got lots of new books and journals, obviously. As i'm getting ready for school, I hear the familiar knock on my window that was made by the one person I trust and love the most. I turn around to see him standing there with a bag in his hand showing me a massive smile.

"Happy birthday, lucy," Michael says whilst I open my window to let him in, "I know its not much but i'm hoping you will love it." Michael is one of 10, so money in his household is pretty tight. But I don't mind about the present its the thought of it that counts. I open his gift and find that he has bought me a journal. It was so beautiful. It had gold calligraphy writing on the front with a gold strap and bookmark, whilst the main colour of the book was a deep, royal red. That was his favourite colour.

"Oh i love it. Thank you so much." i give him a big smile and hug him. This gift means the world to me. I just know that i'm gonna keep this with me forever. Through all the journals i have gotten this was my favourite. I would write all my favourite things in here. Like poems and stories.

We started to head to school like we do every morning, luckily me and Michael are in most of the same classes so we at least have somebody to talk to. Michael is really shy and timid, so in school he rarely talks to anybody but me. We arrived later than normal today because i spent a few extra minutes at home with Michael before we left. So the bell indicated that we needed to get to first period immediately and we had no extra time for spending the morning in the library.

Our first period was English which was my favourite subject. I just love reading and writing, poems especially, so English was really my time to chill as i found it so therapeutic to just sit and read or write. Michael loved English too because he loved writing. He wrote songs and he really has the potential to become an amazing singer/songwriter. Him and his brothers are in a band and i'm pretty sure sometime this year him and his brothers are performing which is a really big step for Michael as even though he is shy, singing and dancing is his favourite thing to do.

The day went by quite quickly. Surprisingly, quite a few people wished me a happy birthday. I was a bit confused how they would have known because Michael is too shy, then i realised Harvey, my older brother, knew everybody and was really popular in the school. Its crazy how opposite me and my brother are. We have no similar interests at all, and he is very protective over me. We argue like cat and dog but i love him and i know he loves me back.

Last period, we had music. This is where Michael really excelled. His voice was beautiful and i think people got kind of jealous of the talent my best friend had. This was one of the other reasons why me and Michael were only friends with each other. We were supportive rather than jealous and i am grateful to him for that. I really couldn't sing. Like at all. But my passion was writing and learning. I had a God-given gift of a photographic memory so when it came to school i exceeded. I'm not sure what i want to do yet but i know that i would love to help people. I'm only 11 so i have a few years to decide my career path.

The bell rang, so i packed up and me and Michael walked home together. I invited him over for the evening as it was my birthday. He comes back to mine a lot anyway where we just do homework and chill out. Just being in each others company is all i could ask for. As we entered my house, i saw my mum cooking something for tea.

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