chapter 8

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I am on my way to Germany. Because of my dads work, during the holidays, we will be staying abroad for a few weeks. I won't miss my friends at school i probably wouldn't see anyway, but i will miss someone. Michael. It's only a few weeks which is nothing compared to last year when he moved permanently, but it's still a long time when you are used to seeing each other everyday.

I saw him last night and i promised to write to him. The phone calls will probably not work because of where we are staying as i have been told there is no service. We will just exchange letters instead of phone calls, which i'm excited for. I haven't really wrote a letter before but i have in English so it won't be any different.

The jetlag i was faced with was unbearable. I couldn't cope with how tired i felt. Reading didn't help at all. If anything it made it worse. I started writing my first letter to Michael about the journey and the hotel.

Dear Michael,
It feels strange to contact to you over letter rather than calling you, your number 1 fan of course. I have just arrived at the hotel in Berlin and so far the accommodation is beautiful. I have brought my records so i can play them whenever i miss you (which will probably be all the time.) I think us 3 have got a lot of things planned to do the next few weeks instead to be stuck in the hotel for weeks. We are going sightseeing tomorrow, i don't know if you have already been but i'm sure you will come some time in the future on a tour or holiday. What i have seen so far it is beautiful.  I know your second album is coming out in a few weeks so i know you will be busy with that, but as soon as you get my letter please write back because i miss you already and it's only been a few hours. The hotel i am at is called Dormeo Hotel Berlin and we are in room 674. See you when i get back,

I sealed the envelope and walked to the post office that was down the block from our hotel.

"I see you are a fan of Michael Jackson ey?" The postman looks at me with a grin.

"Um yeah, I am."

"I have already gotten about 5 this morning for that family. Has he ever wrote back you you?"

"No not yet. This is the first letter i've sent."

"Well i am hoping you get a letter back." He now gives me a genuine smile as he puts the letter behind him.

"Thank you." I walk out. This is the first time i realise how much mail Michael probably gets from fans. Does he write back? Will he even see mine under the piles of mail he gets from fans all over the world?

This gives me an idea to a song that i could write for Michaels album coming out in a few years. About his love for his fans, the letters they write to him. It could be a song to let his fans know just how much he truly loves them.

I'm hoping in a few days i will get a letter back, but i am doubting myself that he will actually read it through the tons of mail he probably receives each day.

I head back to my room and start to unpack my suitcase that is filled with almost everything i own. I unload all my clothes into the closet and all toiletries into the bathroom. I was sharing a room with my brother and my parents had an attached room next door.

This was probably the biggest hotel room i've ever stayed in. It was like a mini apartment. There was a phone in the room, i tried to dial Michaels home number but the line went flat. No service. I wasn't surprised but it was worth the try.

Once we had unpacked, it was time for dinner. Only the three of us went because my dad would be working non-stop unable to take in the beauty of the city. We went down to the buffet on the ground floor of the hotel. It was pretty busy and not many people were speaking English. It was a bit overwhelming so many people who you have no idea what they are saying.

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