chapter 26

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We went to bed after we had finished eating and slept for another few hours before we woke up at 7am. I was meeting Cynthia and the rest of the cast today, to read through the script and mainly for me, to see if I want to pursue with the movie.

I was completely in the dark about it, I had no idea what it was about or what I would need to do. I just hoped that it would be approved by Michael and it suited me and what my goals were.

I walked down the stairs to make myself an iced coffee and a slice of toast. I put on some low waisted jeans, a grey off the shoulder sweatshirt and some sneakers. I tied my hair up into my signature bun and added minimal jewellery. I wanted a casual but elegant look.

I needed to be in LA studios for 9am and it was a half an hour drive, so if I wanted to arrive on time I needed to leave soon. So I quietly walked up the stairs and towards our bed. I leaned down stroking his hair out of his beautiful face and kissed his forehead.

His eyes fluttered open and I went down to kiss his lips. "I'm going for my meeting now, I'll see you later, okay?" I whisper, hoping he would fall back asleep.

He hums and gives me a faint smile, "love you." He whispers.

"Love you more." I say making my way out of the front door. I make my way to the parking lot and unlock my car, which I haven't used in ages due to Bill and Kevin's dedicated duty. But it was early, and I could drive myself, so I thought I would give them both the morning off.

I jump in my blacked out Mercedes and make my way into Los Angeles. The most beautiful city in the world.

I pull up at LA studios and park near Cynthia's car outside before I walk into the building. I was pleasantly led the way to the studio by the girl at the front desk, who made it as clear as she could that she wishes she dated my boyfriend. I just smiled and nodded as she rambled on.

"So it's just in there." She smiles.

"Thank you very much." I say, walking through the glass doors, where I see the vast majority of people sat around the table. I look around, trying to find a familiar face, when I hear her call my name.

"Lucy! You're here." Cynthia says walking over to me and enveloping me in a hug. "Let me introduce you honey,"

"This is the director, Franco Zeffirelli," I shake his hand and give him a smile, greeting him politely. "Here we have the producers, Keith and Dyson."

"Lovely to meet you both ." I smile shaking their hands.

"Then your cast members, Martin Hewitt." She points at the male lead, who looks a similar age to me.

"Hi." I smile.

"Oh wow you're even more beautiful in real life." He says.

"Thank you." I shyly say shaking his hand.

"I'm excited to work with you."

"Oh me too." I smile.

"This is Tom cruise, Lucy." Cynthia says. "It's his first acing job but he has a lot of potential."

"Pleasure to meet you." I say, yet shaking another hand.

Finally after like 2 hours (5 minutes) we all sat down and started reading through the script. The first thing I noticed was my age in the movie.

"Why am I playing a 15 year old?" I ask. "I'm 23?"

"Well the actors are always a few years older in real life, because the older you are, the better the acting is. If we casted a 15 year old, she wouldn't seem mature enough, giving the audience an impression she is younger." Franco explains

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