chapter 9

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I am starting my first day of High school today. I would be nervous but i know all my friends will be with me and it is no different to middle school except the school is bigger, and the lessons are harder.

Me and my friends met outside the gate so we could all head in together. I was so excited about this new step in my life. I have always been so excited about high school, i just think it looks so amazing to experience, with the cheerleading and the football matches, the vibe of that is just unbeatable.

"Sooo, Lucy are you going to finally date Will? He has only been asking about you for a YEAR." It had been a year since i started and Julia was right, Will has had a bit of a crush on me the whole time.

"Yeah you should so date him, he's quite handsome and he is actually really sweet." I thought about what Vicky said and what's the worse that's gonna happen? I could give it a try, i am old enough now and he obviously likes me.

"Yeah okay, why not," they all squeal way too excitedly "But will he ask me out? He seems too shy to do so."

"If we tell him you like him back, he would probably ask you out."

"Okay i will give him a try."

After second period i was grabbing some books from my locker, and when i shut the door, Will is stood there. I gasped in shock, i did not know he was stood there.

"Oh hey Will. How are you?"

"Yeah i am good thanks, all the better in seeing you." I cringe about how basic and embarrassing that was. I chuckle nervously before he begins speaking again. "So, you wanna see me at the library tonight? We can get to know each other know."

"No actually, i don't know. What do you mean?" I think he realises how he came across so he starts making an excuse to what he actually meant.

"Oh no, not like that, just chill and read a book, maybe study a bit?" He was obviously a bit nervous now after he messed up and i felt kind of bad.

"Okay sure, i will meet you after school by the gate."

"Great, bye then."

"Bye Will."

He walked away and I started laughing to how badly that conversation went. He seemed so confident, but me stood there made him crumble on the spot. Did he like me that much? I didn't really like him but i said i would give it a try so i did.

I was greeted by an awkward smiling Will, stood just outside the gate waiting for me. I reciprocated the awkwardness back to him. He didn't speak but as i came closer to him just walked with me.

"How was your day at school?" He was so awkward.

"Yeah it was alright what about you?"

"Good thanks." That is where the conversation ended. He didn't know what to say or do. I was so confused.

We made it to the library which was just a 5 minute walk and we sat down in the corner, i sauntered, and picked out a book to read. I don't know why he was so nervous, i wasn't at all. And that is how it continued the whole half an hour of us being here.

"Um actually i have to go now, my mum is here to pick me up."

"Yeah uh me too, my dad probably will want me home now." Whilst speaking, he avoided all eye contact and looked at the ground.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Will."

"Yeah see you."

And i left.

I had met Michael at neverland after he was finished with recording and school. We just sat in the little cave area, which we have now made into a comfy sitting area by bringing an old couch down for us to sit on.

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