chapter 16

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Michaels album "Off the Wall" was being released today. And i am on my way now to the local record store to buy it. I was completely lost on this album i knew nothing, Michael promised to keep it a secret from me, as apparently some of the songs are about me? I'm hoping they aren't bad.

I arrive outside the record store and grab my keys and purse and open the door of the shop. I took my sunglasses off and placed them on top of my head pulling my hair back from my face.

I wandered around the store til i went to the back for the new releases. And there it was. My boyfriend. It was fully stocked up, showing that it was newly in just a few minutes ago. I am hoping i would miss the rush of people buying Michael Jackson's new solo album.

I picked it up and turned it over to see the titles of the songs. One that took my interest was "Girlfriend" i had a feeling that was the one he wrote about me.

"She's out of my life" Confused me a bit. I knew it was probably about Diana because she broke Michaels heart. Properly broke it. I think i was the realisation for Michael that he wasn't in love with her but that she just made it seem like she liked him. But how can you do that if you are like a mother figure to him?

I wandered towards the counter and opened my wallet to get out the cash for the record.

"Big fan huh?" The man behind the counter says.

"Yeah. Something like that." I give him a toothless smile whilst he looks at me with  slight confusion. He wraps it up and passes me the bag. "Thank you." I say walking out of the shop and on my way to Havenhurst.

Since our relationship had gone to the next level a few days ago, when we had sex for the first time, Michael had given me a key for his house. It felt good to know he welcomed me so well into his home. I reciprocated and have had him a key made to my house as well.

I walked in to an unusual silence. A silence that was normal in my home but felt off in the Jackson's home. I walked up stairs to my boyfriends room. I slowly opened the door where he was led in bed reading a book. "Hey beautiful." I say walking towards the bed taking off my jacket and shoes.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?" I climbed into bed next to him placing the bag beside the bed. I got into our usual position and i cuddled up next to him with my head on his chest.

"I've got a little surprise for you."

"And what is that?" He asks.

"Do you know what day it is?" He looks a bit confused like maybe he forgot it was my birthday or something. I just grabbed the bag and took out the record to show him.

"You got it?"

"Sure did. But i need to know one thing. Who is out of your life? Because i sure hope it's not me." I giggle caressing his tired face, kissing his soft lips.

I pulled back from the kiss, still staying a few inches away from him. "No babe, your song is girlfriend. She's out of my life is not about you." I smile against his mouth continuing to kiss his beautiful lips.

I get out of bed and open the record player. I take the record out of the case and let it do it's magic. The first song starts playing with Michaels voice, talking. He sounds so sexy. The beat drop hits to "Don't stop til you get enough." And that's when i knew this album would be a masterpiece.

Girlfriend came on, and i could tell why it was written about me. It was about us doing stuff whilst i still had a boyfriend, who was Will. At the time. I was laughing at the song because of how accurate it was and how well Michael had sang it. I walked over to him and climbed on his lap. Giving him some kisses to let him know how perfect i thought his new album was.

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