chapter 19

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February 1980
On the plane on the way back we both just slept. We were lying in each others embrace in the bed at the back, catching up on all the sleep lost over the past week. Michael had managed to Jam-Pack the week from days out, to private meals and spa days. I couldn't wish for a better man.

The plane landed and Bill woke us up with a light knock on the bedroom door. I groaned and covered myself with the duvet, covering my eyes from the bright light which Bill turned on. "Good morning Luce," Michael says kissing the top of my head, as I roll on top of him.

"What time is it?" I say mumbling into his chest.

"3 in the morning," he said with a light giggle, rubbing my back. "Come on babe let's get home." I looked up and kissed his lips before rolling back off him.

I got up, brushed my hair with my fingers and grabbed my glasses from the bedside table. We walked down the stairs to be greeted by cameras, waiting for us at the bottom. Michael grabbed some glasses and a cap off Bill, holding my hand tightly.

Once we got to the bottom, we quickly ran through the crowds and into the back of the black limo. Everyone was asking me to look left, right and centre. I tried to cover my face, but with one hand in Michaels, I could only cover so much. I kept a smile on my face, just so the public didn't think I was rude and Michael waved at them.

I sighed, leaning back, just thinking; why are they waiting til 3 in the morning just for a few pictures? But anyway, I was safe now in the car on the way back home.

I had to be up tomorrow morning at 5am to fly to New York for a photoshoot for Coco Chanel. I had asked Julia to come with me, neither of us had ever been but we had both heard so much about it. Julia is sleeping at mine tonight so we can go straight to the airport.

Michael was away. I didn't know where but he flew out yesterday. As usual, working on some new songs. Triumph was being released in September and it is now July. He was still in the high of Off The Wall which was still doing extremely well. It had almost been a year and it was still selling out all over the world.

I am having all the girls over for the evening but I told them they had to leave by 9 because of our early morning start. We all had our best friend in the group, mine was Julia, Debbie and Lizzy were the closest and so were Kim and Vicky. So luckily, they weren't upset when they heard, but rather happy for us that we got to experience New York.

We call all the time but very rarely are we all free to do something the 6 of us, so I knew it would be special. Then the doorbell rang. It was Julia. Stood there booze in each hand and a bag of games.

"Wow Jules you're prepared!" I said letting her in as she danced into the living room.

"Oh I know, I want to make this night as fun as possible. Where's the music?" She asks as the door knocks again. She runs and opens it screaming as Vicky and Kim run in screaming, giving hugs. They see me and get just as excited squeezing me in their arms.

"Mrs future Jackson! How are you? I've not seen you in ages!" Vicky screams giving me another hug.

"Ah I'm good, it's been ages hasn't it! How are you doing?"

"I'm good," we were interrupted with another knock and now all my girls were here. Games and drinks galore.

"I'm so excited for tonight." Lizzy says. As we set the drinks out by the sofa, with all the games piled up on the table.

Julia and Debbie are the naughty, dirty ones. So they suggest we play never have i ever with shots. Which we played on my 21st birthday but now, I'm a lot more used to alcohol.

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