chapter 2

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Saturday 13th December 1969

Last night, Michael came over to my house to give me an early Christmas present. Michael isn't allowed to celebrate Christmas or even his birthday because his family are Jehovah Witnesses. He doesn't even remember his own birthday, it's me that has to remind him. But, he came through my window with an envelope which i wasn't hesitant to open. Inside, was a VIP front row ticket to his show tomorrow

"You are sat next to my mother and Janet." Michael looks at me with so much excitement which i soon reciprocated. I stood up, squealed and gave him a big hug.

"Michael thank you so much. I can't wait. Wow i'm so excited." I'm also excited for where i'm sat. I love Katherine a lot she's like a second mother to me. I've known her since i was born. Janet was born only 3 years ago and she is so cute. We have such a great bond as i love babies and she loves me. "Are you nervous at all?"

"I don't get nervous. I am just looking forward for everyone to see our band and what Joseph and me and my brothers have made."

Sunday 14th December 1969

Today is the day that Michael will be performing on the Ed Sullivan Show for their first proper performance with many to come. I came with Katherine and Janet as the boys arrived a few hours ago to rehearse. We made our way to our seats just before the performance started. All the lights turned off and the commercial music stopped. This was my first ever concert and i was so excited.

"Now here are 5 brothers from Gary, Indiana. Ranging in age from 10 to 18. They're a sensational group. Here, the Jackson 5 so lets have a fine welcome for them."

The applauding was deafening, the curtain came up and there stood Michael and his brothers and all dancing to the beat of "Stand" by Sly Stone. Michael started singing and he was amazing, the moves were impeccable and us 3 watching couldn't stop smiling and clapping because of how excited we were. Once the song came to an end and the cheering calmed down, i heard a really familiar tune and them Michael came to the microphone

"I wanna tell you about a girl i met at school one day, during sandbox. We toasted our love during milk break. i gave her my cookies," everyone awws including his brothers "So we fell out during finger painting. So one day and that was Monday, i stepped up to her and i said"

Michael sings the first note of "who's loving you" and i hear random people in the audience gasping and wowing in shock about how brilliant my best friend is. The rest of the song is just as perfect as the first note.

Half way through the song, he sees me sat in the audience and gives me a big smile which i reciprocate back to him showing him how amazing he is doing. He is like a completely different person on stage to when he's at school. He's not shy or timid but confident and i'm so proud of him because i can see he really belongs on the stage performing.

The song finishes and my favourite song of the album so far comes on "i want you back." When he starts singing he sees me again and he can't stop smiling i can tell he's just so excited how well it is going. I put my thumbs up and give him a big smile.

The song finishes and they all take a bow and the crowd goes wild. I just know now they will be big.

Monday 5th January 1970

It's our first day back at school today after the Christmas break. The holiday was good i saw Michael most days we went on walks, watched movies and listened to his new album 10000s of times. I bought it for him as a present and he was so excited. The album came out on the 18th December and as soon as it did i ran to the record store to buy it with the pocket money i had.

I saw Michael through the window and told him to come over. I saw him climbing past the tree a bit confused why i had a massive smirk on my face. When he saw what was in my hands he gasped with excitement. I pulled the record out and placed it on my record player. "Zip A Dee Doo Dah" came on first. I already knew every song off by heart as i did help write 1 or 2 and i've watched Michael rehearse countless times.

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