chapter 15

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After a few weeks, i had already forgotten my deal with myself to never drink again. I was at Julia's apartment, she had really became my best friend these past few years. We have always been good friends since we met, but recently i have had a special connection which makes me feel i can trust her with anything.

We were sat in her apartment with her boyfriend, Mark whilst Julia came back from the kitchen with another round of drinks. "I don't think i want another drink after this Jules, the day after my birthday was hell. I really don't wanna live that any time soon."

"Okay fine, this is the last round." She placed some greeny blue drink in front of me with a lime on the side. She basically sat in Marks lap, snogging him not paying attention to me at all.  I kept sipping at my drink, watching the two eat each others faces off. It was 7:55 and Michael was coming to pick me up at 8.

"Uh Jules, Michael is here, so i'm gonna go." I say.

"The Michael?" She says intrigued.

"Yes the Michael." I giggled.

"Uh what do you mean?" Mark questioned sprawled on the couch.

"Nothing." Julia smirked as she rushed out the door to meet with Michael, the man she's been crushing on since middle school. We head to the foyer and see Michael stood outside next to the limo. "There he is."

He looks up and sees the two of us stood just a few yards away from him. He looks so good. I mean, when doesn't he? He walks up to us and kisses me lightly. "Hey Julia, hey babe."

"Hi," we both say completely in love with the same man. "Well i'll leave you two love birds to it." Julia says as she leans in for a hug before heading back up to her apartment.

I just look at him for a second before going to hug him. I've missed him so much. It's only been 3 days but that's a lifetime when you are used to seeing each other all day long. "I'm glad to be back in your arms." I say.

"Me too my love." That was new. I was loving it, it seemed so romantic and special. I looked up at him still holding around his waist as he moved his hands to cup my face placing his lips on mine. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

He opened the door and we both climbed into the back of the limo. He has gotten some blankets in the back of the car now, it really was cozy. He leaned forward to open his mini fridge. "Do you want anything to drink Luce?"

"Can i have a water please? Julia may have given me a bit of a headache with all the drinks." He giggled handing me a water. He got himself an orange juice and we leaned against the seat with his arm around my shoulders. I snuggled close to him under the blanket. I placed my head on his shoulder and opened my drink trying to hydrate myself a bit.
"Thank you for coming to pick me up. I know its late and you probably have things to do."

"I would love nothing more than to pick you up. I am here for you. Always." That made me smile. I kissed his cheek before placing my head back on his shoulder.

I think i must have fell asleep because 30 seconds later i was being woken up by the sudden stop of the car. "We are here babe." Michael scoots to the door and lets the cold breeze hit me. I just want to crawl under the blanket but instead i take Michaels hand and head for the door.

Michael had let me stay the night at his because he feels he is always at mine. I don't mind but it is a change to be in his huge bedroom which could easily be double the size of mine. We made our way through the kitchen to greet Katherine and Janet who were making some sort of desert. Midnight baking.

They had just got some cookies out of the oven and the smell was lovely. Michael walked over to them and kissed the top of their heads. "Hey you two." Katherine turned around and wrapped Michael in her embrace. I just loved the bond these two had. Janet saw me first and of course she ran and wrapped her arms around me. I feel like i haven't seen her in ages but i forgot how much i missed her.

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