chapter 8

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Ariana POV
__________________________Walking to 2nd block, I pulled out my phone and decided to text Sabina. I'll see her next block, so it shouldn't even matter. I slid my phone back into my back pocket of my light blue denim jeans and walked into the doors of the wonderful Mrs. Hendley's math class.

Sitting next to Justin, I pulled out my binder and a pencil. Opening my binder and turning to a new sheet of paper, I wrote the date. Looking up at the board, I began to attempt the bell work. Glancing over to Justin, I see that he is completely finished. Last time I checked, he failed 6th grade math. How the hell does he have an "A" in here?

"Can you help me?" I asked him.

"I guess." He dryly replied, avoiding eye contact.

"What's wrong?" I scrunch my eyebrows together, noticing how irritated he looked.

"How come you sat next to Harry today? And what did you two talk about?" He spat.

That question and his tone completely threw me off. Is he getting jealous? I'm not sure if I like it, but it's kinda hot. Should I keep toying with him?

"Oh, you know." I began to get nervous telling him. Licking my lips, I thought whether to lie to him or not.

"No I don't know." He replied bitterly.

"What's it to you, anyways?" I spit back. "Why does it even concern you? What goes on between Harry & I, stays between Harry & I."

"Because I care about you. Do you not understand that?" His tone went from angry to caring in a split second.

"I know, Justin and I care about you too." As I said those words, his face began to soften. "All he did was ask me a question."

"And what was the question?"

Dammit. Why does he have to ask all these questions? "He asked if I wanted to go to his party. His New Years party." I replied, honestly.

"Wow" he laughed. "You said no, right?" His smile began to fade away. "Right?"


After of few seconds of him staring at me, he spoke. "How could you be so dumb?" Wow. That hurt. A lot.

Tears began to form in my eyes from his hurtful words. I blinked them away to seem strong. He's never been like
this. What is wrong with him? This isn't my best friend Justin. I know I'm over reacting, but this has never happened.

"Fuck you, Justin." I whispered and rose my hand.

"Yes, Ariana?" Mrs. Hendley said.

"May I switch seats and go to the rest room?" I ask, avoiding Justin's stare. I know I'm being childish right now, but who does he think he is? He was just in History flirting with that whore.

"Sure. Just give me your pass." She said. Seriously? Passes. Seniors use passes? Okay.

"Yes, ma'am." Getting up, I grab my things and move to the back of the class room. Once I have everything in the desk, I give her my pass and I head for the door. I pull out my phone and text Harry.

Can you meet me by the H hall bathroom?

Who's this?


I forgot that he hasn't saved my number because I haven't text him.

On my way
. x Harry

His little ".x Harry" things are so unique, but I like them. Waiting by the bathroom, I go on Twitter again and look at my newsfeed.

"Hello." I hear a deep voice. Smiling before I even look up, I realize it's Harry.

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