chapter 9

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Justin's POV
I had walked to History and sat down, patiently waiting for my baby. I mean Ariana. God, I have to stop that. As soon as she walked in the class, I admired how cute she looked in her sweatpants I got for her birthday last year. I caught myself smiling,
but I didn't care. This smile that I didn't care about faded as she turned the opposite way, going towards the right side of the classroom. Not giving me one glance, she continues walking and stops by Harry Styles' desk. She could've at least let me know. I'm feeling angry or mad. No, I think it's jealousy. You'd think I'd know my emotions by now, but I'm used to having her for myself.

I see her standing and I think they exchange a few words before he shows his "award winning smile" and she sits down. Two can play at this game.

I get up from the back and move up 4 seats to go "talk" to Selena.

"Hey." I shortly say.

"Oh hi, Justy". She batted her lashes.

I chuckle in response of feeling uncomfortable. I mean, I don't hate her. I just don't too much care for her that much. She lost my respect from when I used to date her and she cheated.

"So I have to tell you about the funniest thing." She breaks the silence. Selena goes on telling me about a story when her and Ryan, my best friend went to a hockey game. Ryan with Selena? Nah. He's just a good guy and can't say no to anyone. She continues about how he was pissed about the other team scoring against the leafs, Ryan and I's favorite team. Oh and Ari's favorite team, too. Speaking of her, I turn and look at her just watching Harry talk. What's so good about him? I don't get why girls like him. She should be looking like that at me. That should be me. I'm getting more and more pissed by the minute. I could just go over there and snap his neck, pound his face in, stab him in the-

"Are you listening?" Selena annoyingly asks, interrupting me from my gruesome thoughts.

Turning towards her, I respond honestly. "No."

"When are you gonna get over her? She obviously doesn't want you how I want you." She narrows her eyes at me. She's right, but that doesn't make me any less mad.

As soon as the bell rings, I bolt for the door. I usually wait for Ariana but she's busy talking to Harry Styles. Walking into math, I sit down and immediately begin on my bellwork. Within about 2 minutes, I'm done. I sit patiently, waiting for class to begin. One of the perks about dating Selena is that she helped my understand math. I failed in 6th grade math, so that's that.

Ariana walks and sits down next to me this time, making me tense up, but I make no eye contact with her.

"Can you help me?" She asks with her cute little voice. It hurts that she doesn't want me. I want her to be mine so bad, but she just doesn't see it. I would give her everything.

"I guess." I reply, hoping I don't sound hurt.

"What's wrong?" She asks concerned.

Oh nothing. I just kinda want you to be mine but you're not interested in me and it breaks my heart. Nothing big.

"How come you say next to Harry today" I blurt out and regret as soon as I say it. "And what did you two talk about?"

"Oh, you know." She always says that when she's hiding something. What if she likes him, which she probably does.

"No, I don't know." I said.

"What's it to you anyways?" Her tone is harsh, but I understand why. "Why does it even concern you? What goes on between Harry and I, stays between Harry and I." They have something going on?

"Because I care about you. Do you not understand that?" I reply, softly.

"I know, Justin and I care about you too." She says making me feel better.
"All he did was ask me a question."

A question? What could he have possibly asked? He probably asked her out or for sex. It better not be anything sexual or I'm beating his ass right now. I don't care if I'm suspended or anything.

"And what was the question." I ask, being nosy.

"He asked if I wanted to go to his party." She says. "His New Years party"

I laugh at the thought. She wouldn't go, she's smarter than that. "Wow. You said no, right?" When she doesn't respond, my smile fades. "Right"

"Wrong." What the fuck? I've been to one of his parties. Most of the girls get drugged or totally wasted, then get taken advantage of, which I will not let happen to her.

"How could you be so dumb?" I said, accidentally. What is wrong with me? I didn't mean to say that. It just came out. I was about to apologize but I saw that her eyes became glossy.

"Fuck you, Justin." She whispered, her voice full of hurt. She rose her hand and asked to switch seats and go to the bathroom. No. She should be sitting over here by me and getting help from me and we could get shushed from laughing and talking. But now she's probably going to go in there to cry. I'm such a jerk. I'll make it up to her.

I'm gonna text her and see if she wants to come over. Pulling out my phone, I begin to explain how sorry I am.

"Justin, give me your phone." Mrs. Hendley demands.

"Shit." I whisper to myself. I stand up and walk over to her, handing her my phone. I have to come up something better.

"You can get it back at the end of class. Don't mess up again, or there will be consequences." She says. She makes me so mad. It's been about 5 minutes since she's been gone, probably bawling her eyes out.

Mrs. Hendley goes on with her lesson for a little bit longer until being interrupted by the door opening. Everyone turns around and stares at Ariana. I get that she's drop dead gorgeous but damn, they're all staring like she has a horn growing from her head.

"What took you long, Ms. Grande?" Mrs. Hendley nosily asks. "You've been gone for about 8 minutes now." She says, raising her arm to glance at her watch. Seriously?

"I, uh." She struggles to come up with a lie. I can tell because she always says uh and she plays with her fingers, a habit she's always had. "The line was long and I let a few girls go ahead of me." She lies.

"I don't believe you."

Bitch. I've never called a female a bitch but she's the most annoying person and she isn't the most understanding.

"I'm telling the truth." She says as I watch her as she plays with her fingers. I'm surprised that she said that though. She usually takes stuff from people, especially people such a teachers or adults, although she is one.

"You've earned yourself detention for skipping class and disrespect." Mrs. Hendley throws as a few "ooo's" and gasps are heard here and there. C'mon people, be mature even if she has never gotten in trouble.

"Well, I am-" Ariana begins to get loud, but I stop her from getting into more trouble.

"If she said there were people, then there probably was. And I'm sorry but she wasn't disrespecting you." I threw in the sorry to soften the amount of disrespect I'm showing. "Last time I checked, she was trying to stick up for herself, and not get pushed around."

After a moment of silence, Mrs. Hendley spoke. "Well Mr. Bieber. You've earned yourself a detention as well." She said before hurrying back to her lesson. I mentally pat myself on the back and turn to smile at Ariana. She stares at me, angrily and sits down in her chair.

The next chapter is gonna be in Justin's point of view as well lolz. And there isn't a picture at the top thingy. There isn't always gonna be a picture.

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